"From Hating To forgiving..."

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Disclaimer: I do not own trolls (They are DreamWorks Productions) I do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a trolls on the on beat fanfic)

(Its, Branch-centric)

(There are going be about 1-8 chapters in this fic)

(Check out @OceanArt3mis if you want to read the original version, it is really, seriously so FREAKING GOOD!!)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I don't watch Trolls: the beat goes on a lot, so forgive me if some characters are a bit ooc)

(I want to start this chapter on a light bit, it gets more serious as the chapter progresses)

(This includes Poppy x Archer)

(This book, now belongs to me. As @OceanArt3mis discontinued this, and they gave it to me to continue)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)

"What's going on?" Poppy and Archer appeared over the bushes, they had overheard Branch and Guy shouting at each other. 

"CREEK!" She growled, as she tied her hair to his neck, making him gasp for air desperately.

"Wait, that's THE Creek?" Archer asked.

Even though he was slowly losing his breath, Creek saw Poppy's face soften that moment. Creek then saw a stranger he hadn't seen before.

"Babe," She kissed Archer's cheek. "Yes, This is the Creek I was telling you about" She then kissed him, passionately for a minute.

He then pulled away.

"Hey 'mate'" Creek knew he had quoted him then. "I'm Archer, I don't personally hate you. But my girlfriend Poppy does" He laughed.

"Poppy, No! Let him go!" Branch pleaded.

Poppy looked at Branch, and couldn't resist his pleading. Branch had ocean/Sapphire eyes, how could she not?

Still, she hesitated.

Archer then put his hand on her shoulder.

"Come on Poppy" She looked at him. "Let him go, your upsetting Branch" Archer finished.

Poppy took a deep breath.

"Alright..But why?" She asked. "Creek sold us out to the bergens..Why should I let him go?" She had a challenging tone in her voice.

"Because he's my Friend!" He exclaimed.

Everyone went silent at that, including Poppy and Guy Diamond. Poppy then let go of Creek.

Creek then gasped for air, Branch then went over to him, and helped him up. Branch then looked at Archer.

'Thank you' He mouthed.

Archer winked at him, and put his thumb up.

"Are you okay?," Branch asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it" Creek smiled at him.

"Branch" Poppy had a stern voice on now. "I need your answer, Why are you friends with Creek?" Poppy had a serious face now.

"I've been friends with Creek, for a few weeks actually" Branch answered.

"And if I weren't, I would have strangled Branch already. It's just, we have some things in common" Creek cut in.

"And what is it? What the things, you have in common?" Guy asked, still keeping a close eye on Creek.

"Um...Well Branch makes the jam my mom used to make, and I um.." Creek then went silent. He couldn't really  think of any real things that he and Branch, had in common!

"Yup, you two have anything in common, let's go" GD (short for Guy diamond) suggested.

He then grabbed Creek by the neck, lifting him up..

"Guy no, let him go!" Poppy demanded.

Guy Diamond obeyed, but was silent.

"Poppy please! I know he kind of sold of us out, but he's my friend. Um..how am I supposed to say this, dammit it's hard to explain. But Poppy please, spare him some mercy.." Branch begged.

Poppy then went into deep thought. Was she going to let this traitor be forgiven, or was she going to put him in jail, ot banish him. 

"C'mon Poppy, give Creek a chance, you did it for Branch and me.." Archer actually played that card.

Poppy then considered his words..

'Maybe mercy is the right answer..' She thought, conflicted.

"Alright Creek," Poppy finally spoke.

"Creek...I dont know what I am supposed to do with you, but you will be under Branch's and my supervision. And you will be watched at for a week. If you do something fishy, I will have no choice, but to put you in jail for life..Do I make myself clear?" She asked with authority.

Creek nodded, as Guy Diamomd had let go of him.

"Thank you Poppy.." Brandh smiled, as the week began.

"C'mon guys," She grabbed Archer's hand. "Let's go" They walked off.

In the week, the trolls and bergens had started to get used to Creek's appearance, and kindness. The trolls had started to accept Creek as one of their own, except for Guy Diamond. Guy kept a close eye on on Creek, on everything he did. He knew that Creek and Branch were friends, and that he didn't do anything fishy.

Guy Diamond actually liked Branch more than a friend, but he couldnt explain it. He just felt it.

Right after the week, Creek was forgiven by all the trolls and bergens. 

Now Branch and Creek's relationship will grow into something more...

(A/N: I'm sorry it took so long for me to update, I've been busy with Christmas, and spending time with family and that~🤣)

(The next chapter will be out in a day or two~😍)

(Comment down, and vote if you liked this chapter~😉)

(The next chapter will be out in a day or two~😄)

(Hoped you all enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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