"Rivalry Starting..."

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Disclaimer: I do not own trolls (They are DreamWorks Productions) I do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a trolls on the on beat fanfic)

(Its, Branch-centric)

(There are going be about 1-8 chapters in this fic)

(Check out @OceanArt3mis if you want to read the original version, it is really, seriously so FREAKING GOOD!!)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I don't watch Trolls: the beat goes on a lot, so forgive me if some characters are a bit ooc)

(Hey, I promise there will be loads of Parcher in the next chapter..)

(I want to start this chapter on a light bit, it gets more serious as the chapter progresses)

(This book, now belongs to me. As @OceanArt3mis discontinued this, and they gave it to me to continue)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)

It has been about a week now, and Branch was glad that Creek was forgiven by everyone...well everyone except Guy Diamond. Despite being overprotective, it just got worse. Creek and Guy Diamond now have fights. They fight, more and more everyday...and Branch thought he was the fighting type of guy...

As of now, Branch was currently between them both, crossing his arms, as he pinched both of the idiots ears..

"Owowowowowow...geez Branch, a little warning may help" Guy mumbled.

"I still don't get why you two fight" The real troll sighed, as he rubbed his eyes.

Then again, Branch had a sort of idea.. While GD and Creek went back to fighting, a leafy cuff appeared, and wrapped around both of their wrists.

"What the?!" GD looked around, and saw Branch smirking.

"Let's put it like this. Whenever you two try to fight, the leaf cuff will appear again, and you both will be stuck like that, if you don't get along, clear?" Creek and Guy Diamond looked at each other, then turned back to Branch, nodding.

The leaf cuff disappeared, and Branch walked away.

"Challenge?" Guy nudged the purple troll.

"Challenge accepted" Creek smirked.

"First challenge, who will be the lucky one to kiss Branch in a perfect moment?" Guy smirked, which surprised Creek.

"Wait..you like-" He got cut off by Guy covering his mouth.

"Shut it" He narrowed his eyes. "I care about Branch as much as you do"

Creek blushed, and his eyes widened. "How..How did you-"

 "Ain't it obvious? You both showed the signs.." Guy smirked.

Creek shuddered. "So, when will this challenge start?"

(Branch's Home)

Branch decided to make a strawberry jam sandwich, and fell asleep after a bit.

Creek noticed it, and decided to leave him alone for a bit.

He got out a book titled "FNAF: the silver eyes" (A/N:whoever gets this book reference, will personally be in the next chapter~). Then, he started to read it, while waiting for Branch to wait up for the thing he had planned..

(A/N: I'm sorry, it took so long for me to update, I've been busy with school and that~🤣)

(The next chapter will be out in...when I feel like updating~😍)

(Comment down, and vote if you liked this chapter~😉)

(The next chapter will be out in a day or two~😄)

(Hoped you all enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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