Chapter 13: Part 1

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Animatic by LoonyBird on YouTube, song is The Spider And The Lamps by Forgive Durden.

Ralph was last to scramble onto the boat, a vesicle owned by the Navy officers that had arrived at the island roughly ten minutes ago. It was rusty but sturdy, broken but still functioning. The boys supposed that they were relatively lucky to have been rescued by officers with a boat still in-tact.

Ralph was huddled in a corner of the boat, nervously eyeing the other boys, however unlikely it was that they would attempt to hurt him again with the officers watching. It wasn't clear whether or not the others shared the same hurt as Ralph, or the same distant understanding of what had just gone down on the scorching island.

The boat was a choir of quiet whimpers and sniffles, cries over Simon and Piggy, but mostly the silent realization of what they had done.

The naval officers wasted no time before interrogating the boys, beginning with the number if casualties.

"And you said three boys died, is that right?"

"No sir, only two" Robert spoke with tranquility, sadness evident from his voice.

"Actually, yes, it was three." Jack interrupted, wiping the tears from his cheeks and attempting to regain his confident manner of speaking. Ralph, spotting what he was doing, glared, but Jack refused to meet his eyes. "Some kid got lost in a fire, the first fire we tried starting." The Jack from minutes earlier, crying and broken, was nowhere to be found, and he resumed the regal manner he had displayed back on the island, as if nothing had changed.

Ralph was about to protest his ignorance dutifully, but he was prohibited from doing so as the officer continued to speak.

Lord Of The Flies: Chapter 13Where stories live. Discover now