Chapter 13: Part 5

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Song is Lithium by The Tiny.

Ralph looked at Jack with concern, as the boy lay sobbing on the floor.


Jack didn't acknowledge Ralph, but instead continued to lay in a lump on the floor, as his back shook up and down. Absentmindedly, Ralph reached out to place his hand on top of Jacks' in a quick moment of rashness.

Jack glanced up at Ralph for a moment, and his tears ceased to fall. They made hesitant eye contact, subconsciously wondering if it was safe to display such emotion. There was something electric and powerful drawing them away from the island, away from their breached mindsets.

Ralph had longed for this moment, when Jack could go back to how he was when he first met him all those days ago. Jack had been so human and needing of his acceptance. Ralph could see how much Jack wanted to let him or anyone in.

Jack's eyes suddenly flickered away. Ralph hadn't realized how little space was between them, and the air still lingered with quiet angry tension.

"Jack..." he repeated, surprised at how caring his voice sounded when uttering his enemies' name.

"Don't talk to me!" Jack looked up at Ralph yet again, and Ralph realized that Jack's face had reverted back to before; he still carried months of hatred in a single glance. 

Ralph was about the go above deck, realizing that Jack likely wouldn't hesitate to hurt him again, but before he could Jack was already bounding up the stairs.

Ralph just sat, his back leaning against the wall of the small, dark room. He felt nothing. It was like all of his feelings had been used up, and he now found it easier to not feel at all.  

He rested his head between his knees, expressionless and hurt. He didn't bother closing his eyes but instead rested his gaze upon the wall in front of him. His whole body felt heavy, and he wanted nothing more than to fall through the boat into the deep water below.

Night fell upon the boys, but the amount of light stayed the same below deck. Ralph hadn't moved since earlier, which was countless hours ago.

Above deck, the rest of the boys sat, in the same position as earlier. They could hardly see, but chose to be in the presence of adults over shelter from the salty spray of sea water.

Lord Of The Flies: Chapter 13Where stories live. Discover now