[July 2014] Maps Magazine Issue - WENDY

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~> Wendy <~

Question: SMROOKIES Girls' names seems to make guy fall in love with it.
Wendy: It is the name I used when I was in foreign country and my friends called me by this name so it seems like a real name to me.

Question: Words that describe yourself?
Wendy: Bright, positive, various expressions. There are so many but if I have to pick one, it would be brightness.

Question: What makes you happiest?
Wendy: I search for music and listen to them. The delight I feel when I find a new and unpopular songs is great. I am not picky when listening to different genres of music.

Question: One day you will definitely become an idol and have lesser time to do what you like to do and have to persevere on. However, now you are still not yet, are there any seniors (sunbaes) that you admire?
Wendy: Whitney Houston. Many loved her and she is now a legend.

Question: What kind of music do you like? What you like and your company wants may be different. You guys may like heavy metal while looking calm.
Wendy: I am not picky at all. There are songs I like by just listening to first three seconds, and there are songs I like by listening till the last second. And there are songs I like because their beautiful lyrics. These days I usually listen to BoA sunbae's. It is a song I would like to try myself from now on.

Question: Then what does a celebrity need to be to the public?
Wendy: Celebrity should show good behaviour and since little kids could be influenced by us, we must also be extra careful in our actions.

Question: I wish you guys would become great artists and console many while becoming responsible adults when you grow up. Then what goals or dreams do you have?
Wendy: I wish to heal people's heart wiht music. Like music therapy.

Translation credit to Yumin @SMROOKIES International

A/N: And this is the Interview of Wendy! :)

Next is their SM Rookies Introduction. ^_^

I would like to clear something. Joy doesn't have this Maps Magazine Interview because I think, only the Rookies have this interview and we all know that Joy is not part of the Rookies. That's all. ^_^

~~> EynJey <~~

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