SMROOKIES Introduction - IRENE

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안녕하세요. 아이린입니다~~!!

이전에 몇 개의 영상들과 사진으로 먼저 인사드렸는데요

이직 보여드리지 못한 젓들이 많아용 ㅎㅎ

계속해서 다양한 모습 보여드릴데니깐 기대해주세요~^^


Hello, I'm Irene~~!!

Previously, I've greeted everybody by several videos and photos, but I still can't show you guys more hihi.

I'll continuously show you guys various practices. Please expect for it.~^^


Translation credit to PingPingPing @SMROOKIES International


A/N: And this is the introduction of Irene when she was a Rookies. :)

Next is the introduction of Seulgi. ^_^

~~> EynJey <~~

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