~Dance Class~

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After lunch was over I had dance class, thank all the gods because Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé were all in the class with me. We walked down the halls and still running in my mind was the plan we have for "The Boyz". We couldn't, well really I couldn't let them get away with the things they do. Us girls don't deserve this, they're going to see that sooner or later.
"Hey, y/n, Heyyyyy!!" I broke out of my thoughts to find myself already in the dance room and Rosé yelling in my face.
"You ok bro, you spaced out for a second" Jennie asked.
"Oh yea I'm fine, don't worry" I replied.
Like I said before thank the gods that I was in the class with my best friends, but curse those gods because after we sat down it's like the world automatically punished me. Through the doors came all of the boys and behind them, IU and her little minions. As soon as she saw me she smirked and walked towards where the boys sat. I'm not sure why but I got a little angry when she sat next the Q, I must be crazy it's probably cause I just hate her. Not long after the teacher came in and greeted all of us.
"Morning Class, I know your all super excited today for our projects today so let's not waste any time" the teacher had a huge smile plastered on his face. It was kind of scary but at the same time kind of calming. Yet the smile on his face disappeared when his eyes landed on me, instead it was replaced with confusion.
"I haven't seen you before you must be new" he said coming towards me.
"Ah yes, I am" I said as I felt all the eyes in the class come on to me, I felt like I was about to erupt because I hate when people stare at me for a long time.
"Well don't be shy, come up and introduce yourself" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me up in front of the whole class.
"Ah well ok, Hello I'm Y/n" I said starting to get angry
"That's not it, say something else" the teacher said, me still not knowing his name so I couldn't protest.
"Ok..." while thinking of what to say I saw IU moving closer and closer to Q, him being oblivious to it while staring at me.
"OK well as long as you stay out of my way, WE WON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS" I yelled, everyone was shocked and showed fear as I just walked back my friends greeted by them holding me and calming me down.
"Ok well um anyways, Y/n I'm Mr. Freeman but call me Mr. F" he said still surprised about what happened.
"Also I need to have you dance in front of the class so we can determine your stance" he said still shocked and confused.
For me it was like a whole mood change, dancing is really the only thing that makes me happy and calm. Immediately I nodded and got up, I connected my phone to the speakers and played *Favorite Song* as soon as I could I started to move.

When the song started playing and Y/n started to move around it was like magic. I couldn't hear or see anything but Y/n. The whole world around me has stopped and she was the only thing that mattered. Her dancing wasn't like the other girls in the class. She did not care about making herself look cute or sexy. Instead she make her moves fluid and sharp. Everyone move drew me in further and made me feel as if she was the last thing in life that I needed. When the song was over she was panting in her last stance, I won't lie and say she didn't look beautiful right now because she absolutely did. But ugh what am I saying, I can't like her or fall for her that's not what I do. But maybe it's what I want to try and do.

Y/n's POV
I finished and everyone clapped for me, I was sweating and out of breath but dancing made me feel alive. Mr. F told me to take a seat so I went back to the girls and sat down. As Mr. F talked about the techniques I used someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around and it was Hwall. He handed me a water bottle and smiled.
"You did amazing, no girl in this class can dance like you did" he whispered while still smiling.
"Thanks, that means a lot" I said smiling back while sipping the water he gave me.
"No problem" he said as he ruffled my hair then crawled back to the boys. I smiled to myself as he left, little did I know Q was burning holes in the back of my head. Glaring at me, angered from the interaction me and Hwall just had.
"Ms.Y/n, your dance was amazing. I think you might me the best girl in the class" Mr. F said while clapping for me I thanked him and he moved on with talking about the project we have, the only thought in my head is that if I was the best girl in the class who was the best boy?
Mr. F told us that our projects were partner projects. Each of us were to get an assigned partner and a topic, and would you have to create a dance using the topic. I didn't care much about dancing with other people,  I mostly just cared about the topic I would get. Everyone started talking hoping that their partners would end up being their friends. Mr. F had us stretch while he made a list of partners, after he took slips of paper and wrote topics on them and put them in a jar.
"Ok when I call the pair, one of you come up and pick a topic. And you have to read the topic out loud".  Mr. F explained.
"Ok first Younghoon & Eric", they both high-fives each other as they went up and pulled out a topic.
"Boyfriend Material?" Eric said looking at Younghoon, they both shrugged it off and went back to the seats.
"Ok next Jennie & Rosé" they both smiled and got their topic "Cuites"
They pairs kept going on:
Jisoo & Lisa
Kevin & Jacob
Sangyeon & Hwall
New & Juyeon
Hankyeon & Sunwoo
Hyunjae & ????? (I actually didn't hear the name)
IU & Hyuna
And the rest of the class.
I was last to get picked I looked around to see who also didn't have a partner but I zoned out and don't remember who was and wasn't called.
"Ok last but not least, Y/n & Changmin" Mr. F said looking weirdly enthusiastic about this.
I looked at Q from across the room who had the same expression as Mr. F, it was starting to creep me out. We stood up and walked towards the jar in unison, I couldn't look him in the eyes for some reason. Why did Mr. F have to pair us up, what did I ever do to him!?!?!
I looked at Q to see if he wanted to grab the topic but he gestured for me to do it. I reached in oh so slowly and pulled out a slip of paper and unfolded it the tension growing. At this point the whole class had their eyes on me and Changmin. Once the paper was completely visible Changmin cam closer to read it, has my eyes grew wide his smirk became visible to all. My heart completely stopped as I read the word in my mind over and over again, then again this could be my opportunity after this thought I had the exact smirk Changmin had.
"Please Y/n read it out loud for us" Mr. F asked while the whole class watched.
"R-romance & Skipship" I said, the whole class gasped and started whispering. The bell rang and the day was over, I dropped the paper and grabbed my friends and left. We walked out as fast as we could and I waved goodbye. A plan was creating itself in my mind as I walked to Sangyeon's car. I sat down on the hood and waited for him. As people walked to their cars I heard them talking about me of course.
"There she is again, how is she so pretty?" A random boy said.
"She is sitting on Sangyeon's car, I hope their not dating" another boy said.
"I heard that Changmin oops and her are going to start dating, but shes waiting for Sangyeon what a player" a girl said as her and her friends laugh.
Sangyeon finally came and I jumped into his arms and he put me in the car.
"Your very playful today aren't you Y/n" he said while closing the door.
"Just bored Oppa" I said while putting my seatbelt on.
"Well be ready for tonight" he said
"Why Oppa" I asked as we started to drive away.
"The boys are coming over to practice" he said.
Finally this is my chance I can put my plan in action, Q won't know what hit him.
"Oh I'm very ready Oppa" I said while smirking.

Ji Changmin will fall for me tonight, this dance is a perfect opportunity to use my charms. I hope your ready Q. Cupid is gonna be at my house tonight❤️💕

Thanks everyone for support and liking my story💕💕 (Sorry for mistakes or spellings)
Word Count: 1614

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