Chapter One

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A woman of twenty two stood in the middle of a field, her red hair had fallen loose during her fight and moved gently with the wind. Her piercing green eyes scanned the landscape, searching. Many a foe had fallen by her hand as they looked into her eyes, In their last moments they searched their green depths and they never found any remorse. She was feared throughout the kingdoms, and rightfully so.

Her eyes snapped to her left as she saw movement. She calmly waited as a figure approached her, the figure a boy of 18 walked closer to her, and he gazed around in shock. She stood unmoving as he took in the scene, he was supposed to have been there with her. She looked at him with cold eyes and wiped some blood off of her cheek. She stepped over one of the seven bodies that lay on the ground, as she passed by him she looked into his eyes.

"Your late."

Alvajay walked past him and sheathed her sword as he stared after her in shock, he glanced back at the bodies, the seven that they were assigned to kill, how had she managed to kill them all? Without help?

"Byron. Now." Byron turned around quickly, getting rid of his thoughts. He ran to catch up to Alvajay's retreating form, he had known to never underestimate the red haired assassin, however killing seven trained warriors without help was a feat no one would imagine being able to do.

As they walked back towards the castle Alvajay cleaned her sword of blood and resheathed it. The walk back was a quiet one, Alvajay was stony faced, as she always was after battle and Byron couldn't gather his nerve to bring up a conversation. When they neared the gates surrounding the castle the guards opened them, openly avoiding eye contact with Alvajay. She showed no emotion towards their actions, for she had a facade to keep up. Showing emotion was weakness. Byron, however, made an attempt to meet their eyes, and when he did he gave them a small smile. The guards nodded at him as they closed the gates.

When they reached the throne room the duo was let in immediately, the guards never speaking a word. Alvajay kept her head high. She was feared by the people she protected, but she was used to it, after all she had been trained since she was 8 and groomed into the perfect pawn.

When the two assassins reached the throne Alvajay bowed her head forwards while Byron sank to his knees as a sign of respect. Alvajay looked up at the queen after a moment.

"Tis done m'lady." She said, her green eyes meeting the queens blue ones. Queen Vera looked at Alvajay, her eyes landing on the blood smear she had on her cheek.

"That is satisfactory, I trust everything went well?" The Queen asked resting her head on her hand. Alvajay nodded her head once.

"Yes my queen,the warriors were not a problem, even if it did get a bit... messy." Queen Vera nodded before she looked over to Byron.

"Was the challenge easy for you as well?" She questioned. Byron froze, not knowing what to say. How could he explain to the queen that he hadn't done anything? That he was not there... He looked around panicking before Alvajay spoke up.

"His work was quite satisfactory m'lady. He is second only to myself in our line of work, not many warriors could fight off two Erean warriors without getting a scratch on them." The queen looked at them.

"Two is an impressive number Byron. Congratulations." Byron looked absolutely shocked, his mind could simply not fathom what had just happened. Alvajay looked over at him knowing what was most likely going on. She had never lied to the queen. Byron snapped out of his trance.

"T-Thank you your majesty!" He exclaimed still looking like he was in a daze. Queen Vera smiled slightly then directed her attention back to Alvajay.

"Alvajay, Byron, remember that tomorrow is the grand banquet, and King Trice will arrive. Byron, since your training is going so well I am assigning you to watch over watch over my daughter Valerie. There will be other guards around keeping an eye on her, but you are not leave her unattended at any time, is that clear? " Byron gulped and nodded.

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