Chapter 3

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Alvajay followed her Queen down the hall as they headed towards the front entrance of the castle to welcome King Trice upon his arrival. She didn't really know why he was coming, the Queen had not told her, but because of her latest conversation with the queen she had a sinking feeling that it had to do with the princess.

She stood next to the Queen as they waited on the steps for the King to arrive. The day was sunny, though dark clouds could be seen in the distance. Alvajay felt a foreboding note in the air. Though she did not have much magic because she came from earth, she had a slight amount of precognition. Though now she wished she didn't. It would be easier to stand there and pretend nothing was wrong, if she actually believe nothing was wrong.

King Trice came into the courtyard riding atop a tall black horse, it's coat was as dark as night, and it was one of the biggest horses she had ever seen. He wore a sadistic smile on his face as he climbed down from atop his mount, shoving the horses reins into some poor stablehands hands. A boy, who must have been in his twenties, around Alvajays age followed suit, but he gently handed the reigns and thanked the stable boy before following the king.

Alvajay scowled, the aura radiating off of the king was unbearable, she wanted to escape his presence as soon as possible. The king walked towards them, confidence practically oozing from him as he put on a charming smile.

"Queen Vera, what a pleasure to see you it's been too long!" He purred before shifting his eyes to her, a predatory smile on his face.He took the queen's hand and knelt to kiss it, Then he turned his attention to Alvajay, who dropped her scowl immediately and schooled her features into neutrality.

"And this must be the legendary Assassin Alvajay! What a pleasure to meet you my dear!"

Alvajay plastered a fake grin onto her face. "It's an honor, King Trice. We've been awaiting your arrival."

King Trice chuckled, arrogance taking over his features.

"So I see, may I present my son, Prince Cyrus?" He asked although it wasn't really a question. The boy stepped forwards, he had dark tousled hair and Ice-blue eyes like his father. The queen smiled and inclined her head towards the prince.

"What a pleasure to meet you Prince Cyrus, I hope you will find you accommodations satisfactory."

Shock raced through Alvajay's mind. King Trice had a son? And he was here? But why... realization hit moments after. The princess! Of course, the Queen wanted an alliance. Through marriage.

Cyrus laughed a bit, Alvajay who was lost in thought looked up sharply. "Thank you Queen Vera." He said. "I'm sure I will find them quite satisfactory" He smiled politely at the queen and glanced over at his father,

The King stepped forward again, his sadistic grin still on his face. "So, I hear that there is to be a banquet tonight?" He questions, "It has been a long journey and my son, and food sounds absolutely refreshing." Queen Vera smiled"

"There is indeed a banquet,and it shall start soon. Only the higher nobles will be there. Afterwards, there will be a bit of dancing, and then tomorrow will be a welcoming ball for you and your son. The ball will have lesser nobles and a select few commoners, so it will be a must bigger event" Queen Vera said. If there was one thing the queen loved doing, thought alvajay, It was planning and talking about her plans.

The King laughs. "There is no need to go through that much trouble Vera!" He had a pleased look on his face, and Queen Vera noticed. She smiled brightly.

"It truly is no trouble, we want you to feel welcome here. Especially with the momentous occasion that is coming up."

Cyrus shifts his feet and looks at the ground uncomfortably.

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