WolfLivers Journay Chapter 16

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Wolf was all strutted.... he was listening to Skillet on hiz iPod (please apple being them back D:) going like. "I don't wanna live I don't wanna breathe -something something forgot the music- the wayyyy you make me feeellll waking up to you never felt so real"

He had walks for several hours and had traveled a lot of yards when he sudden saw.... a cat in the distance. They was blue with red and orange and black eyes with red rings and he crieed blood. He has kazoo in mouth, and was playing Migrane by 21 Piolets

"Ugh, doesn't know what real music is" WolfLiver said. He approach the cat, and played from his Bluetooth speaker real music.

"I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster..."
The speaker sounded

":O omg.... XD U gotz zom gud music!!! ZOMG!" SAIDED the cated

"Awa, What is ur name" Wolf

"I iz KazooFace !!! Whatz ur namez?" Said Kazoo

"I'm WolfLiver, and I'm on a journey to be more emo. Peak emo. And learn the ways of the gay"

"Awa, fu fu fu," said Kazoo "I'm scene... ur in da SCENE KIDZ FOREST XD!!!"

"omg what the fuck?"

"UM YAH!!! SceneClan is here. It used to be WaterClan or whatever it was but it's scene clan now!!!"

WolfLiver scofted looking and noticing all the ppl around. "Omg... all of you are... FAKE SCENE!!!!"

Everyone gasped... THEN SOME1 CAME OUT OF DA BUSHES...!!!!

"Oh... my... Satan."

"Sup bitch." Said Hollyleaf!!!!


"I'm Hollyleaf, the real Emo of the Fake Scenes. These guys are just FAKE... I'm the only real Emo."

"The ... I must ask of you to join me on my journay for emo and gay rights." Said Wolf

"Oh dats good. I'm Lesbian, so I agree to this."

And like that, WolfLiver and HollyLeaf left camp... but someone was following themZ

"KazooFace go back!" Said Eolf

"BUT IZ CANZ HELP DX!!! I knowz howz 2 spek scene"


"And Japanese"

"Fine you can come with." Said WolfLiver, rolling his eyes.

":D" said Kazoo

The three gays thus heads out...... again....

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