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I'm so stupid. 

How did I ever think that someone could like me? No. How did I ever think that someone like Kakashi could like  someone like me? Yeah, right. What a joke.

I'm so stupid. 

I should've known better, but I didn't. I got my hopes up just to have it all crushed in the fraction of a second. 

I'm so stupid. 

It hurts. It hurts bad. 

It hurts knowing that the person I want to be near is so close yet so far. All I have to do is reach out a hand, but like always they slip through my fingers. He is just like them. 

Do they even really care about me? Do they regret leaving me behind? Now that I think about it they never once told me they loved me, but do they still care? Why am I thinking of these things now of all times though? Is it because of him? 

My parents left me so long ago and not once have I stopped to consider the what if's. I don't hate my parents, but could the same be said for them towards me? 

Ugh. I hate feeling this way, and it's all because of him. That stupid man who always makes my heart flutter and causes all rational thoughts to jump out the window. My stupid neighbor who teaches a  group of genin who have become some of my closest friends. Kakashi fucking Hatake. The shinobi I fell hard for.

It was like a hard slap in the face and the sting still lingers. I want so badly to hate him, but I can't. My mind won't allow it. 

Is this what love is really supposed to be like? I hate it. Love sucks.

I'm so stupid. I'm stupid for falling for you Kakashi Hatake.
A/N: This be short, but have no fear (BECAUSE I AM HERE!*plays All Might music*) no no, but really. This is just a small look into the smol heart broken mind of Haruto who doesn't know what to do with himself anymore. Things bout to get crazy, but lemme get through this new job before I try to stay up all night writing things out lol.😂

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