Chapter 1

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A/N : Well, this is my Second book. My friend gave me a challenge to make a story about Chasexrocky where the other pups is hate with him. Then, I make this book, Special for someone special...

no one's P.O.V

it's a warm morning in Adventure Bay. At the lookout, the pups is already had their breakfast and now, they're doing their activities. At the green pup house where a nice and innocent pup live is busy with his Recyclable stuff. He tried to resetting their place from his pup house "okay, I guess that's the stuff I need to resetting their place" he said with him self.

Once he finished it, a certain pup walked pass him "Hi Rocky, what are you doing? Need any help?" he says "Ow... Ah... Ow... Uh.. H.. Hi Ch.. Chase... I.. I'm just, cleaning up my pup house" Rocky was shocked when he saw him and accidentally hit his head on his pup house's roof "you okay Rocky? Let me see it" Chase said and it's making Rocky blushed but he trying to hide it and he made it "I'm fine Chase... It's not hurt either" he said unsurely "oh yeah?" Chase said and put one of his front paw on his head "Oww... Okay... Maybe it's a little hurt" Rocky said.

In the middle of their conversation, a pup came "Chase! what are you doing with him! You should not talk to him! And you, go away from this place!" that pup said and dragged Chase "but, Marshall!-" he cut of by Marshall shout out "No buts Chase! Come on! The other pups is waiting for you. We have a volleyball game" Marshal said and then Chase stopped "really? Well, I'll ask Rocky if he wants to join" Chase said "What!? No! He can't! That pup don't deserve to play with us. You see?, he still busy with his junks!" Marshall said and dragged him and Chase couldn't do anything but just play but not so happy.

Rocky who saw it only can sigh and continued his businesses. He repacked his stuff into new box and save it into it's new place. "huh... I guess it'll be a perfect spot for this one" he said as he pushed another box into it's place he said about. Time passed and he's not noticing that now it's 12 PM. "Oh Man... No wonder why I'm so tired... I'm working on it for 3 hour? Heh... At least now my stuff is all completely in the perfect place" he said.

"Stuff? You mean your junk?" a certain Dalmatian said teasing him "No Marshall, they're recyclable stuff. Not a Junk... Junk can to reuse and fix something broken" Rocky said with a low tone and gave him a smile. The dally scoffed and says "hey mutt! You better go away from here. We're not need a pup who live with junk" with that said, the smile from that mix Breed disappeared. And another 3 pups came along and laughing "Did you hear that? A junk pup *laughing* a pup who live with junks... Oh... Maybe he's created by junks too" Skye said. And then, with that said the other pups laughed even more loud "N-no... I'm..." And Marshall cut him "A Junk? Yeah! You're a Dumbass! The Paw patrol doesn't need someone like you" that dally said and Rocky started to tear up. His eyes is started to teary. "look! That mutt wanna cry... You wanna Cry? Just Cry! Cry like a baby!" Skye said and Rocky started to sobbed.

Rocky can't find any word so he just looked down when the pups laughing and bullying with him. He can't do anything until a certain shepherd came "Hey! Stay away from him!" he said and the pups looked at him. It was Chase who Came and hugged Rocky to protect and calm him down.

Chase's P.O.V

I heard everything that they said to Rocky. I was about to visit him and see if he want to playing with me because, I'm feeling bad for leaving him when he need help with his stuff. And when I'm on my way to Rocky's pup house, I saw the other pups bullied him. So, I ran up to them and hugged Rocky to calm him down. He can't do anything but crying on my Chest "Pups! You should not do that to him! You know how sensitive he is!? He's not a dumbass either. In my eyes, he is more than anything! So, you pups can't treat him like a bug! Come on Rocky... We better get going" I said and he let me go and went inside his pup house.

I tried to knocked on the door, but no use. "you all done? LOOK WHAT DID YOU HAVE DONE WITH HIM! YOU KNOW HE IS INNOCENT. AND BESIDE, HE NEVER DO SOMETHING BAD WITH YOU ALL!" I shout at them all and they just can be quite. "Chase, What's wrong with you? He is-" Rubble said and I cut him "No! The question is, what's wrong with you pups!? Treat him and bullied him like that!? He didn't do anything, and you judge him like he is a killer!? No,no,no... He's not. You better go away from him! Rocky... Open the door please... Come on" I said and the pups just stared at me. After a while, he opened the door and I dragged him towards my pup house. I still can see his teary eyes.

Skye's P.O.V

I was wondering what happened with Chase. Why is he care about him so much? Yeah... He is my crush. I'm in love with him since I joined the Paw Patrol. He always nice with me. And, he don't act like that with that mutt when the first time that mutt join us. Even, he said that mutt is a... Uh... Mutt and a dirty pup because when he joined us, he is full of dirt. But now, he is so care with him and yelled at me, Us. That mutt deserve it right. And now, he is took Rocky into his pup house and closed the door. I still can't believe it.

Me and the other three pups went inside of the lookout and watch Apollo the Super Pup "I think it's a weird. Chase look so care about that mutt for a few months. I wonder why" Zuma said and the other pups just humming "That pup is sure have to leave the Paw Patrol. We can't use a useless pup like him" Marshall said "agree!" we all says in the same time and back watching a TV.

Rocky's P.O.V

chase dragged me towards his pup house. I was blushing when he hug, and dragged me like that. Yeah... He is my crush since I'm joined the Paw Patrol. He is the one who always treat me different than the other pups. He always spend the day with me, playing with me, even he tried to protect Me like today. I don't know what to say, but, I love him. Once we arrived at his pup house, he shut the door. I can't do anything but hugs him tightly. I'm sobbed at his chest and he patted my back "hey, stop crying... I'm here. Don't hear anything they said to you. You're not a dumb, you're a nice pup. You're not ugly, but you're a cute pup. And, I'm not gonna let you cry again" he said and buried my head on his chest. Actually, I'm blushing but, he didn't notice it. I'm start to stop crying and I looked down.

Chase's P.O.V

yeah... Rocky is deserve my soft spot because he is so nice in my eyes. I mean, the other pups including Skye, treat him like that. Yeah... She is my crush but, after I met Rocky, everything is changed. My heart is running towards him. For the first time, I thought I'm not a gay. I'm trying to move on him but, when I saw her and the other pups do that to him, I'm feeling so mad at her. Now, I'm just focus on him. Now, Rocky is my crush. His sexy body, his soft fur, his beautiful eyes, the way he laughed, smiled, swayed his hips when he wagged his tail, his cute face that's all running in my head. Every time I saw him, I'm feeling so hot inside me. Every night I think about him, I always horny and I'm feeling lust build up inside me.

I'm calm him down by hug and buried his head on my fur. I still can't use to see him crying. I felt him nuzzling me and I just let him do that. Then, I leaned on a wall of my pup house and talked to him for a bit till I realized that he was asleep with his head on my chest. I just smiled and I drifted to sleep as well "you must be so tired after all. You are really cute when you're sleep. If you know how, I feel... That I.. *yawn* love you..." with that said, I'm sleep with him in my pup house and start to dreaming about him...


A/N : well, this is the first chapter of this book. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment... I'd love to answer your comment... I'll make another Chapter and update it soon!

~Thank you for read this book~

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