Chapter 7

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A/N : Sorry for long update. I have to do a lot of things and many more business. But, here it is the new chapter of this book

So, enjoy the chapter!

Skye's P.O.V

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT MUTT STOLE MY CHASE! AND EVEN WORSE, HE MAKES HIM FUCKING HIM! DAMN! as me and the other pups away from that Slut's House "Can you believe it!? After all this time he love me, and when that mutt came here, he acting really damn different to me!" I said "Yeah. Not just you. Us either! We are friend till that mutt makes him so rude with us" Marshall said then we nodded agree "We have to teach that mutt what the hurt is! And I think this not just gonna make him fucking damn embarrassed. I think this can make him out from the Paw Patrol!" I said and the other pups start to surrounding me "OH YEAH!? WHAT IS IT?" They all asked me the same question and I start speaking explaining my plan for that Slut.

Rocky's P.O.V

As I slowly opening my eyes, I feel Chase's paws wrapped my body and he rested his head on my shoulder breathing slowly making me shiver. And then, I just remembered with the last night. That was a magical moment of my life. Finally, he claiming me and do me damn so hard and that's when I felt the strange feeling is "Oh man... We still stuck, Eh?" I mumbled and smiled as I looked down "so, we slept like this all night then? Good work. Very, very good work Chase" I said and that's making him awake.

"What? Oh... Babe... Morning..." he said and licked my cheek and smiles "Okay, okay Chase. Here's your present" I said and then I kiss him on his lips and we playing with each other's tongue "I can see your mating mark under your collar, Babe. You're mine now! And oh... We're still stuck" he said and I rubbed down his body "That's what you did to me last night. Have enough fun, Officer?" I teased him and he start to blushing "And, you filled me so damn much with your Cum. I'm so full now babe. I can't wait for you to refilling me up" I said and nuzzled his chin "Oh.. Rocky. You're naughty" he said and we giggled. After a couple of minutes, we finally unstuck. But you know? It's make a big mess around my Ass. Especially when Chase pulled his dick out. His Cum leaked out from my hole and making my furs wet and damp.

"I guess I have to clean up. Which mean with water" I said "it's okay babe. I'll be with you. I need to bath too. It's okay... I'll make you'll feel comfy with water when you bath with me" he said and I nodded. And after that, he lead me towards my bathroom and we head inside. Chase grabbed me and held me on his chest as I rested my head on it. He pour us with warm water that feels not cold of course. He rubs on my back and my entire body but mostly on my butt. But, I have to mention it as a playing with my butt "Chase..." sometimes I have to stop him do that because that's making me horny. We shower and playing for a little.

After we bath, we dried ourselves off with the towel. And after that, we dressed up with our outfits as usual. He lead me outside by pulled me by my paws. We head to the kitchen and then eat our breakfast. After we finished, we just laid on our pillows and chatting "Do you think that we can be together forever?" I asked Chase and he held my paws "I'll make sure that. I won't ever leave you babe. You're my first person I fuck in my life" he said making me blushed "Well, about that... I just trust you. So, I think that was amazing getting fucked by the pup I loved. Not those fucking pups who tried to rape me" I said and frowned down. But then, Chase grabbed my paws again and pulled me outside. We ran out from the lookout and stopped behind a tree in the backyard of the lookout. He placed me down and making me laid on my tummy. He laid next to me and we just stared at the morning ocean.

"Rocky... I wanna ask you something. Can I?" he looked at me with a concern look on his face and I just nodded. He slowly hold my paws and kissed my paws gently "If there's a way for the pups for loving you, and accept you, but that way is, you have to break with me, will you gonna do that?" Chase asked me with his worried face "Chase..." I said and grabbed him and kissed him on his lips. Well, a quick kiss "I really do want they loving me. But, if there's only one way for they loving me by me break with you, I would rather hated than I have to lost you" I said and nuzzles his neck and he grabbed my neck too and laid on top of my back kissing my cheek crazily "Okay... Okay... I love you too" I said and he keep laid his tummy on my back. But, this position is... Hot pose... But, I didn't stop him doing that. Instead, I enjoying ever moments of this.

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