Muggles Will Be Muggles: Chapter 1

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If my mom was a wizard, she would be happy that I got a Hogwarts letter. But sadly she isn't and slammed me into my room. I got my letter in June and my father just told her now that he signed the letter that said I can go. I could hear her screaming from the walls.

She yelled at my father, "I had to marry a wizard!"

My father was not defending himself. My ears didn't hear his British accent.

My mother screamed with her American accent, "She is not going to that school!"

I looked at my jean pocket to find the letter. The ripped envelope I had opened. I read the letter again. After reading over and over again, I quickly went to my closest. All my clothing was in my hands and a suitcase laid on my bed. After packing everything, I decided to run to my parent's room. A piggy bank was on their dresser. I knew money was inside the piggy. My hands slammed the bank on the ground. The shattering of the piggy bank was silenced by my mom's screaming.

"Two hundred bucks," I gasped quietly.

The money was in my hands. Should I or should I not? After making my decision, I left the room with the money still in my hands. I put a sticky note on my door. My luggage was waiting for me in my room. I opened the door and stuffed my cash (well the cash stole.) My eyes looked the widow in my bedroom lead to my freedom. Soon I jumped out of it and then stared back at my home. We have a one story house. My old home. I ran into the woods.

For some reason it wasn't raining today. For the ten years of my life, we lived the state of Florida. The state was filled with sunshine and the beach. Then my dad's job made us move to England a year ago. It was the opposite of Florida, rain and dull. Why do people love living here so much? The woods were dark unlike the sky. As I walked, I still heard footsteps coming towards me. But I still continued walking. I couldn't ask muggles (so my dad calls people) about the letter. They would find out. Still, I walked quietly, looking down.

"Hello," a voice with a British voice said.

I turned quickly and saw a black shadow, standing infront of me.

A boy, maybe a year younger than me was looking at me. Red hair was on his head (or ginger if your British), also brown eyes.

He questioned, "What are you doing with a suitcase?"

"Running away," I sighed.

He looked a little shock when he heard my American accent.

"Well if you accused me," I said, "I got to go."

I started to walk away until I realized the boy gasped. My head turned to find him, holding my Hogwarts letter.

I tried to grab the letter from him while shouting, "Hey! Give me that!"

He asked me, "Where did you get this?"

"None of your business," I screamed as I grabbed the letter.

"You are coming with me," he said as he clutched my arm.

I kicked him, "Let go of me!"

"Wait I can help you go to Hogwarts," he said kneeling to the ground.


The boy toke me to his house and the rain started to fall from the sky.

He banged on the door, "Mum!"

Raindrops still fell into my brown hair. As the rain soaked us, the door finally opened to a man. His ginger hair was disappearing from his head. He was wearing a bathrobe, covering his pjs.

His father deep voice spoke, "Hugo, who is this?"

Hugo asked, "Dad where is mum?"

His father replied, "She is at the ministry."


"Now answer my question," he said more, "Who is she?"

Before Hugo could speak I answered his question.

"I'm Charlie," I spoke up, "Charlie Smith."

Hugo inquired, "But you're a gi-"

"It's a nickname," I explained, "I'm sorry to ask can we come in?"

The father nodded as we walked in.

It was a cozy place from my opinion. How do I know this? Well, it looks like it.

A girl came in while we sat down. She stared at me for a second then sat down next to Hugo. To my guess, they are siblings.

She asked, "Who is she?"

"I'm Charlie," I answered.

She first said directly to me, "You are American?"

"No sure Sherlock," I laughed.

She laughed with me. The girl must have known I was being sarcastic.

"Rose," her voice spoke clear.

Her hair was the same color as her brother's and father's.

Their father held up my luggage, "So Charile, why were you with this?"

"I was running away. My mother was yelling at my father for, for," I started to shuttered.

They gazed at me like I was a crazy person.

I carried on, "Him being a wizard and me getting a letter to a school called 'Hogmarts' or something."

"Hogwarts," the father whispered to himself.

His children and I looked to him.

I questioned, "You know about it?"

"I went there," he smiled, "So will they."

My face turned to Rose and Hugo.

"So will I," I grinned.

Hugo shouted, "Cool!"

"Well we are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow," he said, "would you want to join us?"

"Yes, but can I sleep over," I asked unsure of what Diagon Alley was, "I don't want to go back there."

Their dad thought about it.

Rose quickly requested, "Come on, dad let her sleep in my room?"

"Fine but don't break anything, he smirked and walked away.

"Come on, Charile let's go to my room," Rose patted me on the back and we started to walk about the stairs as Hugo followed.

She opened to a room with a room with red and yellow stripes.

Posters hung on the walls. All of them were different tv shows, movies, and books.

As her living room, photos were hung of her family. Her mother I thin had different hair colors then the rest of her family. Her hair was brown. She also wore a suit. Her husband was putting bunny ears over her head. I laughed a little. The night passed and Rose's mother returned from work, I never got to hear her voice or seen her in person. But tomorrow was big day and their father made us go to bed early. Also I had to sleep on the floor. Good for me.

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