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MOST people didn't know of Esme existing under the roof of Tony Stark, as the adolescent girl doesn't put herself out there for the public to see

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MOST people didn't know of Esme existing under the roof of Tony Stark, as the adolescent girl doesn't put herself out there for the public to see. Pepper and Tony both agreed to keep her out of the public's eye knowing that they didn't need to deal with the gossip on top of the therapy. It wouldn't mix well in the slightest. The small few that did know her consisted within the tower itself, and were aware of her problems.

There were also the group in the tower that knew of Esme from Tony or Pepper briefly mentioning her, but have never actually met the girl in person. That group consisted of the well know Avengers, besides Bruce Banner because he has encountered Esme a couple of times around the lab. From what they knew she was a young adult with no social life but with reasons, they supposed.

The Stark Tower consisted of different floors for different compartments. There was a couple floors that was solely used for the Avengers living quarters, gym, meeting rooms, kitchen, and compound. Of course Tony had a number of levels that he took over as his own, which included Esme's private living quarter. She resided a few floors above the Avengers compound and was more than accustomed to all the noise and parties that took place almost nightly.

Despite living in the same Tower and only a few floors between the Avengers and herself, she never once crossed paths with any one of them. She knew what the look liked though, the news always being on in the kitchen most days, but it wasn't mutual. Esme felt trapped in a way, but she would never tell Tony and Pepper that. They were always trying to help her in any way they can but it was suffocating to say the least. Especially since she hasn't been out of the tower in what seems like years.

As a way to keep herself occupied, she developed almost a system of sorts. On her giant wall, thanks to the likes of Tony, in her bedroom were pictures upon pictures of different people and things. Tony made it his mission to give her a single picture each day to add to her collection. It was a small hobby but it meant the world to her. They all varied from pictures of him and Pepper, the city, some of herself with them, and even a few of the Avengers all together— happy. She envied those pictures specifically but put them on her wall nonetheless.

A knock on her door resonated throughout the giant room breaking her out her trance as she was watching the snow fall on the city from her giant window, and she muttered a quite come in. The door opened to reveal Tony standing in the doorway and she gave him a small smile, him giving her his own full blown smirk.

"I made you some pancakes, originally three but I ate two of them in the process." Tony said to her as she stood up from her neatly made bed, a breathless laugh escaping her lips.

"It's the thought that counts." Esme told him and Tony nodded in agreement, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and nuzzling her into him while placing a kiss to her head. She smiled at the action, keeping her head against his chest as he lead her out of the door.

"How did you sleep?" Tony asked as they found themselves in the kitchen, and she took a seat in the stool by the countertop. She pursed her lips in the slightest, it not going unnoticed by Tony. "You know if your awake all night you need to find me and Pepper, remember?"

"Yes, I know." Esme signed, muttering a thank you as he set the single pancake filled with syrup in front of her, fork already resting on the plate. "I just don't want to bother you two, makes me feel worse than I already do."

"You know me, sweetheart. I get bored all by myself in that lab." Tony stated as he leaning against the countertop opposite of her, a sly grin forming on his lips. "Miss Potts can only keep me entertained for so long."

"I heard that!" Peppers voice sounded from the living room making Esme burst into a fit of giggles, Tony's eyes widening in mock fear. The sound of heels hitting the floor made itself present as she walked into the kitchen, gifting them with her presence. "If anything I'm the one needing the entertainment here."

"If you say so Miss Potts." Tony shrugged, winking at her making Pepper roll her eyes. As if on cue, the familiar voice of JARVIS resonated into the room.

"Mr. Stark, Captain Rogers is requesting your assistance in the compound."

"Can you tell him to give me a few minutes." Tony asked as he pushed himself off the countertop. Esme continued to eat her pancakes, ears perked at the mention of the familiar nomad.

"It's urgent, sir."

"I guess duty calls." Tony sighed and strutted around the counter towards Esme, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and also doing the same to Pepper. "Don't forgot that tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I was thinking about watching the Christmas Story on rerun all night if you two are up for the challenge?"

"I rather divulge myself in watching The Santa Claus series than watch the same movie on rerun the whole night." Esme told him as she stood up, raising her eyebrow at Tony as he seemed to be visibly defeated. "More particularly the same movie we watch every year."

"It's a classic!"

"And classic is a synonym for old. I want something new...maybe we could spend Christmas Eve with— well I don't know other people." Esme hinted at the idea of meeting the Avengers for the first time, and that made Tony and Pepper look at each other warily just as he pushed the elevator button— it opening and him stepping in. Tony gave her a tense smile as he disappeared from sight, and Esme deflated slightly, her cheeks flushing embarrassingly. "It's fine if you think it'll be too much. I won't mind spending it with just us three again."

"We'll think about it, okay?" Pepper told Esme giving her a comforting smile. Esme nodded and gave her a smile of her own, the hope already gone along with her mood. "How about we get a head start on therapy today. I was hoping to make some cookies tonight before Tony gets back from his meetings with the team and the council tonight."

"Yeah, that'll be fine." You told her while walking towards the elevator that was just across the room. "Tell Helen I'll be waiting for her in the office."

"Okay." Pepper nodded, her fingers dancing across the small tablet in her arms. The elevator opened just as Esme pushed the button to go up. "If you want me to come with you I can-"

"Mom, I'll be fine." Esme reassured her as she found herself inside the elevator, not pushing any buttons so the elevator stays open. "If I need you I'll immediately get JARVIS to contact you, right JARVIS?"

"Of course, Esme. I'll put Miss Potts on emergency call if you like."

"Please and thank you, JARVIS." Pepper said to the A.I. and Esme rolled her eyes.

"Is that really necessary?" Esme asked and she watched as Pepper gave her a warning look. "Never mind me. I'll come back here right after I'm done, okay?"

"You better." Pepper warned halfheartedly and Esme waved at her playfully as she pushed the button to Helens office, the elevator immediately going into motion. Esme let out a heavy sigh, already feeling the anxiety creep up at the thought of reliving that night again for the hundredth time in the past year. But, she knew she didn't have a choice.

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