Chapter 1: Star

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Kurt's POV:


My name is Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, and I am pretty unpopular at this ragtag school, not like it matters. One day, all those meathead jocks and idiotic cheerleaders who chose to push me up against the lockers and make my every day here at this awful school miserable will work for me. They'll be sorry they ever messed with THE Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. Anyway, I am the most fashionable, talented star at this damned school. Just this morning it took me two hours to get ready. From my rigorous daily skin routine to picking and perfecting the most amazing outfit yet, my morning is pretty hectic if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, the only people who get to see my stylish picks are the future Lima losers of Mckinely High School; and as I walk these halls to go to my locker, I see nothing but inferior monkeys. I smiled and waved as I passed Rachel and Mercedes, but kept walking towards my destination. I groaned as I approached my locker, a group of people stood right in front of it, blocking my way. I stood there impatiently. I may talk a good game in my head, but there was no way I was going to go cause conflict out loud. This collection is too priceless just to get stained from electric blue slushie. After a few minutes of being blatantly ignored, I let out an intentional loud sigh, prompting the leader of the group to turn around and face me. He was a short, Italian boy. But he wasn't just any boy, he was Blaine Anderson, McKinley High's one and only bad boy. With his usual faded jeans, fitted white V-neck tee, and slicked-back hair, there was no mistaking him. I for one, couldn't be any less underwhelmed with his subpar fashion choices and his fake smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I in your way?" Blaine said with a smirk. He was holding a metal water- bottle. Judging by his breath, it was definitely Vodka.

"I-uh just need to get to my locker," I said nervously, trying to avoid eye contact. 

"And what if I said I didn't want to move? What would you do then, fag?" he asked antagonistically, obviously trying to get a rise out of me.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I stormed off, heading to my next class. He is the most egotistical, cocky, self-absorbed person I have ever met! He thinks he can just do whatever he wants, just because he's THE Blaine Anderson. I hope he gets what he has coming to him I thought as I walked into my first-period class.


Blaine's POV:


As Kurt walked away, I couldn't help but feel bad for him on the inside, although I would never let it show on the outside. I just wanted to talk to him, get some sort of response from the porcelain-skinned boy. As I was thinking this over, my eyes immediately averted to Kurt's perfectly round ass. 

"Damn" I whispered, almost drooling. 

"What? What are you looking at Blaine?" Karofsky asked, trying to see what Blaine was looking at. 

I quickly made eye contact with Karofsky, trying not to be too obvious. 

"Nothing. Why the hell do you care anyway?" I asked aggressively, walking away before Karofsky could even muster a response. The group shot Blaine confused looks as he strutted down the hall, everyone in his path making room for Mckinley's most feared, yet most revered bad boy.

As I am walking to my first period, I can't stop thinking about Kurt. I can't believe how perfect he is. All I wanted to do was show him that I had layers, that there is more to me than my tough exterior. But I can't. Why am I even thinking like this? I'm Blaine Devon Anderson, the awesomest guy at this school. I could have any girl I wanted with just a snap of my finger, and everyone parts the halls when I show up. I have it all, I have what every high school loser wants and can never have. I am the star at this school, and nothing and no one is going to take that away from me. I wonder what Kurt thinks of me...



I'm probably not gonna get any reads, but if I do... 'Eat your heart out Kate Middleton!' This chapter is just introducing the characters and the overall feel of Mckinley High that will be seen throughout this story. I will update at least once every week.

I hope y'all like it! (If there is anyone)

Stay fabulous :))

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