Chapter 2: Closet

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Kurt's POV:


I sat down in my seat in the front of the class, praying that we weren't going to use our textbooks today. I hated the anxiety I felt, wondering if I would have to ask to go to my locker to get my textbook or not. This may seem stupid, but Ms. Brady (my first-period math teacher) was an old, lonely woman, making her mean and miserable to be around in every way. If anyone so much as looked at her wrong, she would call them out in front of the whole class, which was a very big nerve-wracking thing to think about. The bell rang, indicating that first-period has officially begun. As Ms. Brady walked into the room, there was a very strong smell of candle wax and dust. Maybe it was just because I was sitting in the front, but I swear I felt like I was suffocating. She began to write on the whiteboard, I'm assuming before boring us with today's lesson. I didn't understand the point of Pre-Calculus, only a small fraction of the students at this school were ever going to use it in the future; other than that, it was completely useless information that would never benefit us in any way. But for now, I guess I have no choice but to sit and watch an old woman read directly from the "Teacher's Guide to Pre-Calculus" and think about how long I have to wait until lunch.

"Okay class, today we are going to practice our skills in Exponential and Logarithmic Equations." Ms. Brady said with a fake smile, obviously thankful she didn't have to do the gruesome work. "Open up your textbooks to page 206 and complete numbers 1-31 odd," she stated, walking to her desk.

Damnit. Why does this always happen to me? As everyone shuffled through their backpacks, I pondered asking someone around to share their book, but Ms. Brady would most likely send me to Principle Figgin's office for cheating. Crap, I guess I have to do it, I have to raise my hand. As I slowly rose my hand, I coughed, immediately grabbing Ms. Brady's attention.

"Yes, Kurt?" she asked with a slight undertone of annoyance. I instantly regretted my decision, I have no choice but to move forward with my question.

"C-can I go to my locker to get my textbook...please?" I muttered out, hoping she would understand and just let me go.

"Why didn't you do this before class, Kurt? That's why you are given time before classes, to gather your needed books and such, right?" she asked. Her annoyance becoming more obvious with every second that passed. Everyone looked up from their textbooks and was staring at me now, waiting for my response.

"Yeah." Is all I could muster. Every. single. time. Why can't teachers just let me do what I have to do, and move on? They were going to get their paycheck, either way, it's not like I'm going to fail just because I have to leave for two quick minutes.

"I am giving you an infraction for lack of preparedness. Go to your locker, and make it quick." she was looking at me now, over the top of her glasses. I hated that look. I quickly sprang from my seat and sprinted out the door. I gradually slowed my pace the further away I got from my classroom. I hate her. I hate this school. I hate my locker. I hate Blaine Anderson. I thought as I continued to my locker.


Blaine's POV:


I gave my teacher my usual blank stare. It wasn't necessarily intentional, I just never understood what she was talking about. English was my least favorite class, and of course, it was a requirement in order to graduate. I didn't have big dreams, but I did want at least that.

The classroom door was open, and I could hear heavy footsteps quickly approaching. I suddenly saw Kurt sprint past the room. This was my chance, not only to talk to the poor boy but to also get out of class for a while. I raised my hand with a quickness.

"Yes, Blaine?" my teacher asked half-heartedly. She already knew what I going to ask, I do this quite a lot.

"I'm going to the nurse," I said as I started to get up from my seat.

"You look fine, Mr. Anderson," she said rolling her eyes, stopping me in my tracks.

"Headache." I shrugged, walking out of the classroom before she could respond, I closed the door as I left.

I continued down the hall, looking for Kurt. I was heading towards his locker as this was the only place that I could think he would be. As I turned the corner, I saw him standing at his locker, just as I suspected. He looked pretty peeved, maybe the sight of my gorgeous self will cheer him up, I thought as I strutted in his direction. I quickly glanced in the mirror on the wall as I passed to make sure that I was looking great. Who am I kidding? Of course I look great. I smiled at my reflection before approaching Kurt's locker, slamming it shut so his undivided attention would be one me. He glanced down at me, a mixed look of aggravation and confusion sprawled across his face. I looked him up and down, secretly admiring his sheer perfection. At that moment I knew that I was going to make him mine.

"Do you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package." I said with a sly smile. I saw Kurt's cheeks turned beet red without hesitation. He digs me, I knew it. I leaned in, our faces only inches apart before I whispered into his ear: "I would sure like to see yours."


Kurt's POV:


I can't believe this is happening. The nerve of this guy! How can he mock me like this, corner me with nobody around? I picked up my books that I had just dropped, tears welling in my eyes. I put my hand over my mouth so he couldn't see the effect that his cruel words had on me.

"Just, leave me alone alright!" I yelled. Tears began streaming down my face. Blaine's smirk quickly vanished as I walked away. I looked over my shoulder to see a shocked Blaine, his mouth wide open, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He yelled after me, but I couldn't hear what he said because I was running at this point. I ran as fast as I could back to my class. "I hate this school," I whispered to myself, wiping away my tears with my sleeve.


Blaine's POV:


I could see the tears streaming down Kurt's face. Did I hurt him? Why was he crying? I looked down in confusion, trying to figure out what the hell I had done wrong. By the time I looked up again, Kurt was running down the hall. I had to say something, anything.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled in aggravation as Kurt kept running down the hall. I kicked the lockers, I didn't know what else to do. Before heading back to class, I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket and scribbled some words on it, before sliding the sheet into Kurt's locker.

"He will be mine" I whispered as I walked back to my class.


(A/N): Hai. So yeah, that was awkward. I don't really know what to say other than I am so excited about this story. I am trying to put in tidbits from my own life to make it more relatable (aka the teachers being annoying). I don't have many reads AT ALL, but it doesn't matter. Thanks to those who do read tho, ur my kweeeeens <3

Stay fabulous :))

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