Untitled Part 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Dallas Stars, Tyler Seguin or anyone else. I only own Avery and the plot!

Oh and I am making a change to the last chapter! I know I said Jamie and Tyler are sharing a house together but I changed it to she is just going to be staying with just Tyler in his house.

Avery's POV*

After about 3 hours on the ice I skate to the doorway and sit and start removing my skates. I look around for Tyler and Jamie since they are always on the sidelines watching and waiting for me, but instead I see Val and Devin Shore standing down the hall.  "Hey guys, where are the other 2 clowns?" They laugh.

"They left with your dad a few hours ago, not sure where they went though. Think they said something about your apartment though."

Did they leave with me dad to clean my apartment. I take my phone and try to call my dad and then Tyler. Neither of them answer so then I try Jamie, who finally answers. "Hello?"

"Jamie where are you guys?"

"Um Starbucks, were on our way back to the arena now. See you soon bye!" He hangs up without waiting for an answer. I set my phone down and wait for them to arrive back here. 

When I see my dad walk into his office without Jamie and Tyler I stand "Dad what's going on?"

"We took care of the apartment so you didn't need to go back there honey. And for what we couldn't fix or clean up I paid the landlord for." I hug him tightly.

"Thank you dad, really thank you."

"I'm not the only one to thank sweetheart. Oh" He takes his wallet out and hands his credit card to me "Go buy some new clothes, please. Jamie and Tyler are downstairs waiting for you and you are going to be staying with Tyler for a while. He offered you one of his spare rooms until you get back on your feet."

I hug him again "Thank you so much for everything dad. I cant tell you how happy I am to have you in my life."

"Same kiddo." he hugs me back and then I leave. 


When I get down to the arena doors and see Jamie and Tyler waiting for me. "You ready to get some shopping done?" I nod and we head out to Tyler's jeep. We go to the mall and I buy a whole new wardrobe and some new skates and skating outfits. We drive back to the arena and drop Jamie off at his car before saying our goodbyes. I get out and hug his tightly "Thank you for helping today Jamie, come over soon I'll make you guys dinner okay?"

"Deal, you know I cant resist your cooking Ave. Anytime. Oh and call me if you need to escape this idiot here." He laughed pointing to Tyler, who flips him off. I laugh and we all drive off to head home. 

When we get to Tyler's house he helps me carry my bags to the room I picked out. "Alright I'm gonna go shower. Help yourself alright," I smile as he walks towards me "Its gonna be alright Ave."

I kiss him gently "I know." He kisses me again before heading to shower.


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