VI. Lost Memo

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I feel very lost. As if I don't know what to do anymore. But for reals though. I just don't understand. I'm very hungry and I've noticed my body taking shape. I've asked about fasting but never got an answer so I'm taking my own approach to this situation. I have faith but I feel as if I'm losing connection or love. I just can't believe how random and very cruel this has become. It's as if I am trash and that they just want to change me out so they can put in a new trash bag already. I'm not even sure what's going to happen. I miss everything. Why does everything have to get so much harder as the days go by. And I mean that I know I make it easier for everyone but I feel that this last week I've made it much harder. And I have put myself into them that have used my words such as Always, but I can see that it's another famous one of mine-- "It's all over"

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