Eternal Sleep

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Sebastian has been unconscious for about three hours now. I'm sitting by his bed patiently waiting for him to awaken. Every ten minutes I rewet the wash clothe and return it to Sebastian's forehead. It's very possible that he may not wake up for a few more days. His illness is at its peak right now. For the next few days, it'll be the worst its ever been. Demon illnesses typically last two weeks to a month, and so far we've barely gotten through 5 days. I don't know if I can keep my feelings hidden from Sebastian, or worse Ciel for much longer. I worry each time he falls unconscious and each time he wakes I feel as though an unbearable weight has been lifted off my chest. So here I sit, in my now permanent spot beside Sebastian's bedside.

Ciel's POV:

Ever since Sebastian had gone unconscious again I've been unable to focus on any of my work, it's beginning to become quite troublesome. My mind is constantly flooded with unwanted thoughts of 'what if Sebastian can't wake up?' 'What if Sebastian never recovers?' 'What if Sebastian is permanently weakened?' What if, what if, what if. I hate these thoughts, but they're the only thoughts that occur as of right now. I need to go see Sebastian to confirm for myself that he'll be okay. With that final decision made, I toss the paperwork currently in my hand off to the side and head out of the wooden door towards Sebastian's room. "What Are You Doing (Y/n)?!"As I enter the demon butler's room, I see (Y/n) holding a needled syringe about to inject something into Sebastian. "I'm keeping him hydrated. Since there is no way to have him drink water while in this unconscious state, and his skin would heal around an I.V. drip, I hydrate him through injections of water every hour." How have I not noticed her doing this at all in the other times I had visited Sebastian? "Oh my apologies for shouting at you, then" "It's okay Ciel, I understand you're stressed, and that you don't understand what's going on, but please trust me. I care about Sebastian equally if not more than you." She had a point, they'd know each other for centuries I'm but a small piece of their life timeline.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I'm just glad Ciel was so understanding. I really want to help Sebastian, save him from all this pain, but there is nothing I can do. I'm nervous, as soon as he wakes up, all hell breaks loose. His head, stomach, and throat will feel like somebody lit one of hell's flames inside them, and he will be vomiting constantly on and off for hours on end, I'm really worried about Sebastian when he awakes.

Time skipp: Another 4 hours pass~~

Sebastian has been unconscious for a total of 7 hours now. The sun went down a little while ago as it is now 9 pm. I continued to inject fluids into Sebastian every hour in hopes of providing him with even a slightly less amount of pain when he eventually wakes up. On the bedside table, I have the now clean chamberpot, a basin of cold water, about 4 washcloths, a thermometer, a glass of cold water for when Sebastian wakes up, and a few extra syringes. I am currently sitting beside Sebastian in the chair I have now claimed as my own. I'm gently stroking his hair and fixing any strands that had fallen out of order. As time ticks forward, my anxiety towards Sebastian increases.

He still has shown no signs of regaining consciousness and it's now nearing 7 am. He stirs but never wakes. I'm beginning to believe it will be days before he awakens. Over the time of my taking care of the butler I've come to three conclusions; one, I love Sebastian Michaelis. Two, if I were to ever lose him my life would be over. Finally, three I will never again love somebody as I love Sebastian.

It has now reached 10 and Sebastian has been unconscious for 13 hours. I am beginning to lose hope of him waking up within two days. At this rate, it could be a week before he woke up. I was proven wrong when he began to thrash and kick about. I jumped atop him and held him down to prevent him from injuring himself. "(Y-Y-Y/n)?" "Hello, Sebastian." I wanted to cry, he was finally awake after practically being in a coma for the past 13 hours. Something was off in his eyes, he looked like he was in a great deal of agony but was fighting to hold it in. This is when I knew, all hell would soon break loose.

A/n: OMG IM SO FRICKEN SORRY!!! I haven't updated since December because I've been so busy and I am soooooo sorry. I know this chapter is shitty and half-assed, and I'm sorry about that. I wrote this at 2 am so that I could finally update. Thank you all sooo much for continuing to read my horrible story and I appreciate all of the comment I receive. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will try and update as soon as possible again.

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