Stomach Pains

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The only downside with having the Undertaker here, he now knows my secret, and he's not one to withhold information so long as the correct price is paid. That scares me. I can't have my secret out now. I've kept it under wraps for too long to let it ruin my friendship with Sebastian now. But I guess all I can do now is help Sebastian recover, and hope the Undertaker doesn't have any formidable customers.

(Y/n)'s POV:

Sebastian had fallen asleep after finishing the soup. He was getting back his appetite, but he was still really sick and nauseous with quite a fever. But now that the Undertaker was here, Sebastian's condition was definitely improving. He was no longer stuck hanging over a toilet during the 7 hours he was awake. He was regaining energy which was good too. It made me happy he is getting better. He really does mean a lot to me.

But anywho, I decided that I should probably check on Ciel now. He's probably pretty spooked about seeing Sebastian so helpless. It spooked me at first too in all honesty. With that, I looked back at Sebastian one last time, seeing he was asleep and content, I walked out.

I walked out of the room and down the hall. Once I arrived at Ciel's study, I knocked twice on the door and waited for a reply. I heard a quiet "Come in" and carefully opened the door. "Hey Ciel, you doing okay?" He looked so distraught and just overall a mess.

"I don't know (Y/n), this is all I don't even know how to explain it!" In all the years I've been here, I've never seen him like this. It was strange. I'm not used to seeing him so broken.

"Awww, come here hon" He practically ran into my arms.

"I'm so scared (Y/n)! What if he can't beat this?!" He had a steady stream of tears running down his face now. I hugged him tighter a and rubbed his back.

"Hey, Ciel listen to me. Sebastian WILL make it through this. I will sure of it, I promise you that." I held him for a few more minutes, just letting him cry until I decided I needed to go and check on Sebastian. "Hey Ciel honey, is it okay if I go and check on Sebastian? I need to go and make sure he's okay."

"Oh *sniff* yeah that's okay." He wiped away his tears and stepped back. "Thanks (N/n), I needed that."

"Of course Ciel, I'm always here for ya." With our final words said, I turned around and walked out again, back towards Sebastian's room.

As I walked back into the room, I could hear sobs coming from Sebastian. Upon opening the I saw Sebastian curled up in a ball clutching his stomach. I stepped closer and closer until I was standing right at his bedside.

"What's wrong honey?" I asked carefully

"My stomach hurts really, really bad." It was weird to see him so vulnerable. He was like a scared little child.
"What do you want me to do hon?" He was in so much visible pain. I honestly had no idea what to do. I just wanted to comfort him any way I could.
"Can you cuddle with me?" I'm positive my face went 50 shades of red. My Century long crush just asked me to cuddle with him.
'Remember (Y/n), he's really, really sick. The fever is probably fucking with him. He doesn't actually mean it'

I decided to give in. He needed me and this was the best I could do for him right now. I laid down behind him and threw my arm over his middle. I gently rubbed his stomach, making circular patterns in attempted comfort. I could feel the heat radiating through his shirt. I know demons already have a very high body temperature, but this was excessive. I could tell it was helping, but I could also tell he was still in a lot of pain. I carefully slipped my hand under his nightshirt and rested it there for a moment as a silent question for consent. When he made no moves to remove my hand, I began to rub circles across his stomach again.

He was calm for a few minutes before I began to hear disapproving moans. His stomach my contracting like crazy under my hand. "Hey, hon, what's the matter? Are you gonna throw up?" He gave a simple head nod, so I quickly reached over the bed and grabbed the chamberpot; and held it under his chin.

Sebastian dry heaved for a solid minute before finally, he began to bring up the soup he ate an hour ago and some bile. Once again I rubbed circles along his still contracting stomach whilst holding his hair from his face. He continued to bring up more and more until he finally passed out from exhaustion. He was utterly exhausted and it was showing. I laid him down in bed and threw a cold towel onto his forehead, and underarms, then quickly went to empty the chamberpot.

Time skip~~~

It's been a little less than an hour when Sebastian finally began to awaken. He looked significantly better now. His fever had reduced a few degrees, and he was less pale now. He was still really sick but was definitely improving. His fever had come down 46.1 C (115 F) and it was now at 44.4 C (112 F). We still have a long way to go to get it back to 41.06(105.908 F), but it's decreasing which is great.

Now that he's awake, I gave him so ginger tea for the nausea and vomiting, and some water to stay hydrated. I should try and get him to eat again, but it's unlikely after last time. He didn't keep any of it down at all. I'm still working on getting him able to keep down food, and so far, nothing has worked. But I'm still happy because his fever has dropped greatly.

After he finished the tea, I got some water into his system, and then he returned to bed. I was tempted to lay back into the bed with him, but without him asking me, it could be suspicious. So, I decided to just return to my bedside perch. Well, all I can do now is watch over him, and keep doing all I can to help him.

A/n: WOW 2 CHAPTERS IN 2 WEEKSSSS!!! I'm proud there man. I'm working on the next chapter as well, so expect that within a week. Byeeeee!


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