Going to the Undertaker

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It has now reached 10 and Sebastian has been unconscious for 13 hours. I am beginning to lose hope of him waking up within two days. At this rate, it could be a week before he woke up. I was proven wrong when he began to thrash and kick about. I jumped atop him and held him down to prevent him from injuring himself. "(Y-Y-Y/n)?" "Hello, Sebastian." I wanted to cry, he was finally awake after practically being in a coma for the past 13 hours. Something was off in his eyes, he looked like he was in a great deal of agony but was fighting to hold it in. This is when I knew, all hell would soon break loose.

(Y/n)'s POV: 

"Sebastian?" His eyes looked so dull like he was staring into my soul. I got no response. Carefully I hopped off him and took a step back. "Are you going to be sick?" Still no response. "UM, CIEL?" I yelled as loud as I could. Not long after, I heard a knock on the door. "(Y/n)? May I enter?" "Uh, yeah." "What is it?" One look at Sebastian in his petrified like state was enough to answer the question. He was stuck there, almost as though he was simply an empty shell. It was honestly terrifying. I had no idea what to do. Ciel and I stood next to his bedside as though to analyze his form and try to find its source. Then suddenly he jerked, sat clean up straight. Sweat was pouring down his face as the washcloth previously perched on his face now lay limp on the floor. 

"Sebastian?" His breathing was uneven and ragged. Then without a moment's hesitation, blood began to pour from his mouth. "SEBASTIAN!!!" Ciel and I rushed forward towards Sebastian as he collapsed. I caught him just before he could fall to the floor. "Okay, that's it. We're taking him to the Undertaker, I can't handle this anymore!" 

Timeskippee: Undertaker's:

Sebastian now lay in a coffin in the back of Undertaker's shop. He was resting peacefully for now. Undertaker was surprisingly flustered by Sebastian when we arrived. He was muttering and running about, like a headless goose. Finally, he calmed down and plopped down into a chair. "So, what the hell do we do?" I spoke unsteadily. "I don't think there is anything we can do. For obvious reasons, the hospital is out of the question. And he can't go home due to his contract. So the best option is to either keep him here, or I can accompany you back to the manor and we can watch over him there." Ciel and I shared a look, coming to a "Let's return to the manor. He is likely to feel more comfortable there, and it will attract less unwanted attention." Ciel just nodded in agreement. "Okayyy, then we best be on our way~" 'He has so much damn energy!' With that agreed upon, I lifted Sebastian onto my back so we could leave. His face scrunched up into a wince as I did so. "You all right Sebastian?" "No..." "What's the matter? Do you feel sick again?"

Sebastian's POV:

I feel utterly horrible. This coffin isn't the most comfortable place in the world, and all I can focus on is my stomach rolling in violent waves of nausea. I turn onto my side in an attempt to find some form of relief. If anything that makes the nausea even worse. I'm certain at this point if I move again I will upchuck. I hear footsteps advancing towards me and before I know it, I've been lifted up onto (Y/n)'s back. As she lifts me, my stomach rolls in protest. I wince and scrunch my face in response. (Y/n) stops walking and turns her head back towards me. "You all right Sebastian?" I feel as though I'm about to vomit at any moment now. "No..." "What's the matter? Do you feel sick again?" I do, but I don't want to inconvenience her anymore. I start to shake my head, but as a result of the dizzying motion, I begin to gag.

(Y/n)'s POV:

 "What's the matter? Do you feel sick again?" He began to shake his head until he was abruptly interrupted by a harsh gag. I quickly, but gently set Sebastian down and placed the nearest bucket under his chin, catching all of the bile and acid that fell from his lips. After about a minute of retching and dry heaving, I took the bucket from his lips and handed it to the Undertaker who went to wash it out, then returned soon after. "You okay to return onto my back Sebastian?" He gave a bleary nod so I slowly lifted him up and rested him against my back and shoulders. "Okay, are we ready to head out~" I gave a curt nod and with that, we began to return to the manor. It was going to be a long and torturous ride for Sebastian, but we need to get him home and return him to bed as quickly as possible. We piled into the carriage, I set Sebastian down and leaned his head against my head as a sign for him to rest. He leaned his weight against me and closed his eyes. The carriage jerked forward and he moaned in pain. This is going to be the longest carriage ride of our lives. 

A/N: Heyyy. Sorry for not updating in so long, and I apologise for the poor quality of this chapter. School will be over in a week and a half, so I will begin to update more regularly. Constructive criticism is very welcome and useful in improving my work. Thank you for reading, BYEEE!!!

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