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Beginning: Itzio is 18 years old and he is wearing a red shirt but has armored sleeves, hair is brown, eyes are brown, light tan skin, stands up to 6 feet tall, black pants and black shoes. He wields a blade that is light yellow but the handle is navy blue color and it has a Titan symbol in the middle. He wields the big sword with both his hands as he slashes at a dummy. A man that stands up to be 6'1 feet tall, wears silver armor all around, has black hair, black eyes, tan color skin and but he isn't wearing a helmet and he says, "Your strikes with your sword is getting better. Just put a bit more speed in there" . Itzio nods as he puts more speed into his strikes and the man whose name is Dakon said, "Good good. Keep it up" . Several hours has passed as the sun is beginning to set, Dakon said, "Hmm its gonna get dark soon. That's enough training for today Itzio. Let's head back to camp and get some rest" . Itzio nods yes as they walk for three minutes and made it back to the camp. There is three large light brown tents. Itzio noticed a woman who is cleaning her light red bow that has a weird blue symbol on it. The woman is wearing all silver armor aswell but has a green outline to it. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin and she looks at both of them as she asked, "Did training go well?" . Dakon says, "Yep. He is learning everything quite fast" . The woman whose name is Zivala said, "Good. We all should get some rest now. Good night" . Everyone enters there tent as Itzio sits on his bed but sighs as he looks at his sword on top of a wooden desk. He shakes his head as he lays on the bed and falls asleep.

The next morning, everyone is awake and Itzio does his morning stretches. After that, Dakon and Itzio went to the training grounds to train again. Dakon says, "Alright for this lesson.... We are gonna spar" . Itzio eyes widen a bit in surprise as Dakon said, "You've been training hard and been following my lessons throughout the time we've been here. So use what you learned from this point on" and he grabs a light red blade but the handle is green color. He says, "Are you ready?" . Itzio nods yes and they both get into there stance. Itzio has a slight serious look as he has a tight grip on his sword. They both charge at each other and strikes with there sword which made a sword clashing noise. Itzio jumped back and charged at Dakon again but this time he jumped up in the air and did an aerial strike but Dakon blocked it with his sword and he used his force to push Itzio back. Itzio regained his stance as he held his sword tightly again. Dakon charged towards Itzio and it seems like he was about to strike forward and so Itzio blocked. However, Dakon tricked Itzio and instead Dakon quickly dashed to the side and kicks Itzio's side which he grunted in pain. Dakon slashed Itzio's sword out of his hand and kicked him to the ground and pointed his sword to Itzio's face. He said, "You did good but" he puts his sword away on his waist and helped Itzio up and he continued his sentence, "You still have alot to learn" . Itzio rubbed his side but Dakon said, "Alright. I think it's time for a break. Let's return back to camp and get some lunch. After that, we are back to training" . Itzio nods as he understood and he walks to his right side only eight inches and picked up his sword. They walked for few minutes on a clear, stone path and they returned back to there camp. Dakon saw Zivala and asked, "Did you go hunting?" . She is polishing her bow and said, "Yes I have. It's over there like usual" and she points to the campfire that has logs as seats and there is cooked food on a plate. Dakon smiles and says, "Good. Alright Itzio, let's eat" . They sat down on the logs and Dakon took out 20 napkins out of his pockets and gave half to Itzio. They grabbed the cooked food with the napkins and started to eat it. Zivala looked at Itzio while she is polishing her bow. After ten minutes, they finished eating the cooked food and they wiped there mouths clean and threw away the napkins in a built in trash bin. Dakon looked at Itzio and said, "Go on ahead back to the training grounds. I'll meet you there, I just need to get something from my tent" . Itzio nods as he understood and he walked to the training grounds. Dakon walked to Zivala as he stood next to her and asked, "Remind me again, why Itzio doesn't talk at all" .

Middle: Zivala sighs as she stood up and looked at Dakon and said seriously, "Ok I'll say it again. A long time ago when he was just a young boy. He lived at a village called 'Zetimar' and he lived with his parents. His father is a warrior and one of the protectors of the village. One day, a huge army of soldiers came and started to destroy everything they see. It turns out a King from a kingdom sent this order out to destroy the village and leave no survivors. Itzio's father told his family to run to the nearest village. His father stayed and fight. Itzio's mother grabbed Itzio and ran but shortly after, they caught up to them and Itzio's mother told him to run which he did but when he looked back he saw his mother die. Itzio cried but he continued to run. That is why he rarely talks" . Dakon has bit of a sadden look but he asked, "What kingdom was it though?" . Zivala said with bit seriousness, "The kingdom that attacked Itzio's village is called 'Nalfar' kingdom. Itzio is planning on avenging his parents" . Dakon's eyes widen bit shocked, "He is gonna try to get vegence?! That's crazy, himself against the Nalfar kingdom?! I heard that the kings in Nalfar are cruel and they have the biggest armies out of the 12 kingdoms" . Zivala says, "I know but he isn't going alone. I'm going with him" . Dakon says in shock, "What?! Why? You two against an entire kingdom, you both would perish instantly. It's a dangerous and foolish mission" . Zivala sighs but she has a determined look, "I know that but I have faith that me and Itzio would succeed" . Dakon sighs but asked, "Why are you going with him though?" . Zivala said seriously, "Because I too came from that village and I lost my father. His and my goal are the same. I'm only a year older than Itzio" . Dakon sighs and says, "That's a dangerous and insane mission that you two would be going but. I'll teach Itzio everything I know" . Zivala says as she cleans her arrows, "Good. He is gonna need it. Afterall, you are a master swordsman" . Dakon smirks bit confidently but stops as he asked, "One more thing I need to ask. Where did Itzio get that powerful yet rare sword?" . Zivala says, "Its his father's sword. He eventually came back to his destroyed village to find his father but everything was destroyed and he couldn't find him but he did find his sword and a note next to the sword. I don't know what the note said but he took his father's sword anyway" . Dakon said, "Alright. I understand Itzio a bit now. Thanks" .

End: Dakon walked to the training grounds and saw Itzio staring at the sky. Dakon said, "Itzio. You ready for your next lesson?" . Itzio turned around and nods yes with determination. Dakon smiles and says, "Good. That's the determination look I want to see. Now for the next lesson, I'm going to teach you how to unlock the hidden power within that sword your holding" . Itzio had a expression of surprised as he looks at his sword, then at the symbol at the sword. He looks back at Dakon as he nods as he is ready for what Dakon is gonna say next.

To Be Continued...

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