The Hidden Power Within The Sword?

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Beginning: Dakon clears his throat and then looks at Itzio. He says, "That sword your holding is a special yet rare sword. It's also one of the most durable sword in this entire planet. There is one special thing that the sword can do and one of them is that if you focus your inner energy onto the sword, the blade can be surrounded by flames. So you ready to learn that special ability?" . Itzio nods yes as he held his sword tightly with both hands infront of him. Dakon says, "Ok. Focus, don't let anything distract. It'll be you and the sword" . Itzio closes his eyes and he focuses his energy to the sword. Dakon then says, "Once you feel your inner energy flowing through the sword, tap into that energy within the sword and activate it" . Itzio continues to focus his energy onto the sword and tries to let his energy flow into the sword. He couldn't have his energy flow into the sword and he opens his eyes and he broke his focus. Dakon says, "You lost focus. Try again" . Itzio breaths in and out and he closes his eyes. He once again focuses his energy onto the sword and tries to let the energy flow into the sword. However, he fails again and he opens his eyes. Dakon says firmly, "Try again" . Itzio continued to try and try again throughout the day until it became night-time. Itzio breaths slightly heavy because he is a bit tired out. Dakon says, "Alright that's enough for today. Let's head back and get some sleep. Tomorrow you can try again" . Dakon and Itzio walks back to the camp and they entered the camp. They see Zivala reading a blue book with a lamp next to her. Dakon says, "We are back" . Zivala looks away from her book and looks at the two of them. She says, "Welcome back" and she returns to reading a blue book. Dakon then says, "I'm heading to bed. Don't stay up to late you two" and with that he heads to his tent and enters his tent. He puts two dark blue blankets on himself and falls asleep. Itzio starts to walk towards right and walks back to his tent but stopped when Zivala said, "Itzio. Wait" . He turns his head slightly to the left to look at Zivala. She looks at Itzio and says, "Is your training going well?" . Itzio nods yes and Zivala says, "Oh good. So are you feeling ok?" . Itzio nods yes again and Zivala says, "That's good. Well good night" . Itzio walks back to his tent and enters his tent. Zivala sighs and she says to herself, "Someday I'll tell. Not now" . She puts a piece of paper in her book which is like a bookmark and she closes her book and she heads back to her tent. She stops and looks at Itzio's tent for a few seconds. Next, she goes back into her tent and she puts a giant orange blanket on her and she sleeps.

The next morning Itzio wakes up and he gets out of bed. He does his morning stretches. He puts on a light red shirt and puts on his armor sleeves, wears grey pants and black shoes. He sees his sword leaning against the tent and he grabs his sword and walks out of his tent. He sees Dakon sitting on the logs. Dakon sees Itzio and says, "Your awake. Come, eat breakfast" . Itzio sees a plate of food and fork on a log. He goes and sits next to the plate on the log and he sits adjacent to Dakon. Itzio and Dakon grabs there plates and starts to eat there food with forks. Zivala looks at Itzio while polishing her bow. Itzio didn't notice as he continued eating his breakfast but Dakon did notice. They finished eating breakfast and they put there forks on the plates and puts the plates on the logs. Dakon says, "Itzio. Let's head to the training grounds to continue your training" . Itzio nods yes as he understood. They both walk to the training ground. Zivala stayed at the camp and polishing her bow like usual. They arrived at the training camp and Dakon says, "Ok just like yesterday. Try to let your inner energy flow into your sword. So go" . Itzio held his sword forward and held it tight with both hands. He closes his eyes and he focuses and tries to have his energy flow into the sword. He finally felt his energy flowing into the sword but something happens and the flowing stops. He suddenly lost focus and Dakon says firmly, "You lost focus again. Try again" . Itzio once again tries and tries but kept loosing focus everytime. Dakon keeps telling Itzio to "Try again" and Itzio does but he keeps failing. It's the middle of the day now and Itzio breaths a bit heavily. Dakon sighs and says, "You continued to loose focus everytime. I told you to only focus on the sword and nothing else. Is there something on your mind that is making you loose focus?" . Itzio shakes his head no and Dakon says, "Are you sure? If there is something bothering you, tell me" . Itzio looks at Dakon with a determined yet a bit tired look. Dakon sighs and says, "Alright. Let's take a break and eat lunch" . Itzio shakes his head no and Dakon says being bit confused, "Huh? Why not?" . Itzio signals his sword indicating that he wants to keep practicing. Dakon sighs and says, "Ok. Keep practicing then. I'll go bring your lunch" .

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