The Summer Before...

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18-Year-Old Ella Woods, Was going through a rough break up. She and her long-term on and off again "Boyfriend" Christopher K were officially over and seemingly so was Ella's whole world. It was like her whole life was falling apart and at the time it was. Let's backtrack a little bit, shall we?

A few months before the Breakup, everyone at Endeavor High School was cramming to gather final projects and get all of their things situated for the Big day. Graduation. You know the moment in your life where you feel like you're a white dove ready to flap its wings while trying desperately not to crash into any pickup trunks or, windows? Yeah, that moment. Anyways, Ella made a trip down to the guidance counselors office to talk about what her next steps would be regarding college and it wasn't exactly the conversation she had been hoping for. 

"You're not going to be graduation this Year Ella, I'm sorry." Said Ms. Baas. 

Ella sunk into her chair and the room suddenly felt like it was spinning miles a minute. She repeated the same sentence over and over in her head. There was no way in hell she was going to risk the embarrassment of retaking her senior year all over again and being labeled a "Super Senior". Once she gathered her composure (which wasn't really that great), she had asked Ms. Baas if there was anything she could do to prevent this from happening. 

"Well, there is one way...But, it will take the whole summer or even a few months to complete. It's rigorous and I'm not too sure if you're going to be up for it. I'm my opinion, you're better off retaking the year and starting fresh!"

"You're fucking kidding me. I'm not going to be one of those super seniors who have to eat their lunch in the bathroom stalls!"

"I understand that Dear, but your grades prove otherwise."

"No. What do I have to do? to graduate with my class?"

The conversation was bitter, but Ella had a game plan. She was going to go to summer school and do several rigorous assignments from an online university to help her gain the credits she needed so she wouldn't have to repeat her senior year. Ella wasn't dumb either, she just didn't have any interest in High School and when she did for the last two remaining years she soon later realized that it was too late for a change. But because of her determination, she was willing to do whatever it took to get a diploma, even if it didn't mean getting to walk with her graduating class.

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