Now pt.12

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When the meeting finally rolls around, Astrid is so excited she can barely contain herself as the four of you sit down in front of none other than Bang Sihyuk's desk.

"Good afternoon, girls," he says.

"Good afternoon Mr Bang," you chorus in such perfect unison you have to hold back laughter.

"Now, as I'm sure you know, BTS are gearing up for their world tour in a couple of weeks."

That you do know. Jungkook has been talking to you about it a lot. He's really happy and says tours are one of his favourite things to do, just as long as one leg of it doesn't last too long because he gets really tired.

"And you are the small hair and makeup crew we've chosen to take along. Sage and Pippa for obvious reasons, with Astrid and Y/N as assistants."

Your jaw drops. "But, Mr Bang, why have you chosen us? We're the newest ones here?"

Astrid elbows you. "Which is why we are so honoured to have this opportunity!" she says quickly.

Mr Bang grins at Astrid, then looks at you. "It wasn't my original plan to choose you two, but as a matter of fact the members chose you themselves. They collectively made a request to have you and Astrid come along because they believe you'd be the best fit for the job. They've never made a request like this before, so we couldn't exactly say no."

You train your eyes on the floor, worried he'll read something in your expression that will give you away. The way he told the story, he sounded suspicious. You wish Jungkook had told you about this before he did it so you could tell him he really didn't need to do that for you. Of course you're glad that you get to be with him on tour, you were upset that he was leaving, but you wouldn't risk being discovered like that. But he was clever to make all the members make a request, and for Astrid as well, so it didn't seem obvious. 

She elbows you again and you look up to find Mr Bang is still watching you, and you wonder if he has some idea of what's going on between you and Jungkook because the way he's looking at you makes it feel like he's waiting for you to crack. You shiver under his icy gaze.

"Well, that means a lot to us, tell them thank you," Astrid says.

The meeting wraps up and even when you have your back turned, you can feel Mr Bang's stare boring into you.


And so that's how, two weeks later, you find yourself backstage at a BTS concert. Between songs it's your job to wipe the sweat off their faces and top up their makeup where needed. You dab at Jungkook's face with a towel when he comes off after the vocal line performance as he steps out of his pants to reveal different ones underneath and a clothes stylist swaps his jackets. He and the other three are allowed the length of the rap line performance to have a drink of water and collect themselves before having to run back onstage again. 

You feel a rush of pride as you watch him on the screen once he goes back on. He's come so far, and he's so good at what he does.

At the end of the concert, Jungkook is telling the audience how much he loves them, and as they all scream, he turns to the side to make eye contact with you in the wings and winks. You quickly look around to see if anyone noticed, but no one seems to.

You don't find the chance to talk to him once the concert finishes, and you end up running across the hotel corridor into Jungkook's room that night. He wraps you up in one arm and tugs you inside before planting a light kiss on your lips.

"How did you find the concert?" you ask while running a hand through his hair, which is still wet from a shower.

He shrugs. "It was fun, but I think I could've done better."

"I thought you did absolutely fantastic," you tell him. He lets out a huge yawn, and you gently move out of his arm. "You should get some sleep now. I'll go back to my room."

"But I don't want you to go back to your room!" he says, literally stamping his feet and pouting like a two-year-old.

"I don't want to either, but what if someone comes in to wake you up or something and finds me?" you point out.

Jungkook thinks for a moment. "You could always just set an alarm so you can get back to your room before the day starts. Just stay with me for a few hours, at least. I want to be with you."

You consider it for a moment, then peck him on the cheek. "I want to be with you too. I'll stay."

Jungkook's softly snoring within seconds of getting in bed, spooning you from behind. You smile to yourself as you let your body be enveloped by his and hear his steady breathing fill the air. You know there is no place you'd rather be.

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