Now pt.11

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Around a week after, Jungkook texts you saying he has a rare day off and asks you to come over to his dorm for a 'special makeup tutoring lesson'.

You head over there and he takes you to a room with a huge TV where all the members have gathered. Yoongi waves and you wave back.

"I know you've all met her before, but it's about time I officially introduced her," Jungkook says in an unnecessarily loud voice to all the members, who watch him with bemused expressions. "Guys, this is Y/N, my girlfriend."

They all look at you and you're embarrassed by the huge smile that comes over your face when he says 'girlfriend'. "Um... hi."

Jin laughs. "But we already know who she is, JK. We see her all the time."

Jungkook lets out an exasperated sigh. "Yes, but I've never introduced her as my girlfriend to you before and most of you have never seen her outside work, so like I wanted to, okay?"

"Okay," Jimin says with a smile in your direction. "Nice to meet you properly, Y/N."

"We were just about to have some pretty epic video game battles to celebrate our day off," Namjoon fills you in.

"In which I will demolish everyone," Taehyung says in a menacing voice which isn't quite as menacing when paired with his innocent smile.

Hoseok taps the seat next to him on a couch. "Wanna play?"

You look at Jungkook and see how excited he is for you to officially meet all his friends and your heart melts. "I'd love to!"

The 'epic battles' turn out to be just between Jungkook and Taehyung in every game you play with the rest of you trailing behind. In Mario Kart they alternate between coming first and second in every race while the rest of you bring up the rear, pushing each other off the course and laughing so hard tears fill your eyes. In Super Smash Bros. Jimin can't last two seconds without being thrown off the screen by Jungkook and he's outraged when everyone can't stop cracking up at him. The only person who isn't dying laughing at this is Yoongi, who just chuckles a little and pats Jimin on the shoulder comfortingly. You come last in almost everything until Wii Sports, where you gain a bit of dignity by defeating Jin in boxing easily, which earns you cheers from everyone and a kiss from Jungkook, which is responded to with shouts of 'get a room!'. 

You stay at the dorm playing games for hours, and afterwards you all sit around and talk, and it's one of the best days ever.


A month later, you're brushing powder over Jungkook's face, deliberately going fast to make him laugh, when Taehyung approaches and shoves a camera in his face.

"And here we have Jungkookie in the middle of being beautified," Taehyung narrates, putting the camera so close to Jungkook it's almost touching him.

"As you can see, it's working." Jungkook pulls an ugly expression and Taehyung cracks up laughing. You have to bite your tongue to keep from doing the same.

"Ah, yes, so beautiful!" Taehyung looks like he's about to leave with the camera when Jungkook grabs it.

"Everyone, there's someone you need to meet," he says, and without any warning turns the camera onto you.

You stare into the lens for a few seconds, caught off guard. Is this even allowed? You've never seen a makeup artist in a BTS video before, except in the background.

"This is the amazing Y/N, a true makeup guru. Say hi to ARMY!" He smiles at you encouragingly behind the camera.

"Hi ARMY," you say with a cheesy grin, and offer a finger heart because you don't know what else to do.

Jungkook hands the camera back to Taehyung. "Go introduce a hairstylist."

Taehyung looks almost as confused as you are. "Okay..."

When he leaves, you raise your eyebrows questioningly at Jungkook. "Why did you do that? All the other stylists are never filmed."

"Well, you're not like all the other stylists," Jungkook says softly so only you can hear.

Later, you're putting eyeliner on Namjoon when Sejin taps you on the shoulder.

"Y/N, come to the Big Hit building at noon tomorrow," he says, then walks off.

The expression on Namjoon's face reflects the fear that bubbles up inside you. Did he see Jungkook recording you? Did he hear what he said? You were stupid to think that you and Jungkook could get away with it. Honestly, it's a miracle that you've lasted this long. And this is it. You're going to get fired, and you'll never see Jungkook again.

You must look distressed because Namjoon squeezes your arm. "Maybe it's something else," he says quietly. You continue with his makeup.

As the band is leaving the room to go onstage, Jungkook glances over at you and smiles. You smile back. He doesn't need to know yet.

Once they're gone, Astrid comes over to you and bounces on the balls of her feet while she speaks. "Sejin asked me to come to a meeting tomorrow at noon! He asked Sage and Pippa too. What do you think it's for?"

Your body floods with relief as you realise the meeting must be about something else if they're all invited.

"I don't know, but probably something good if Sage and Pippa are going!" you say with equal enthusiasm.

Right on cue, Sage walks over to you both. "Y/N? Could I talk to you for a minute?"

Astrid looks at you questioningly and you shrug. "Yeah, sure."

Sage leads you just outside the prep room. Standing so close you're reminded again of how tall she is and feel intimidated. She looks down at you for a few seconds before speaking. "You and Jungkook are together. Don't bother arguing because I can tell. And that means it's only a matter of time before other staff can tell too, the ones who'll fire you. Be careful."

You don't even get a chance to respond before she kisses you on the cheek and walks back inside.

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