Now pt.15

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You reach the hotel and fly up to your room, your hands shaking as you use your key card to unlock it. You throw yourself onto your bed and scream into your pillow. You scream for what must be hours until you hear the door being opened. You scramble upright and clutch your pillow to your chest, expecting someone from the company to come in and haul you right out of the hotel and onto the street. But it's Astrid. Right. She shares your room in this hotel.

"Astrid, Astrid, Astrid... something bad's happened. Something really bad's happened," you manage to croak out although your throat is raw from all the screaming.

You expect her to come over and hug you, or gently ask if you're okay, or do something that shows she cares, because she always cares, but she doesn't. She simply stands there and raises one eyebrow.

"It's out. Everyone knows Jungkook and I are together. There's a video going viral on Twitter of me going into his hotel room."

Astrid continues to stare at you and not say anything, when she finally speaks, there's an edge to her voice that you've never heard before. "Well, boo fucking hoo."

You're taken aback by her response and you simply sit there, opening and closing your mouth but not producing any words, until she speaks again.

"Well, sorry, Y/N, if I'm not too concerned that your precious little perfect secret got out, but has it literally ever occurred to you that I have shit going on in my life too?"

You've lost your words now.

"I didn't think so, because you've been too preoccupied with your adorable sneaking into Jungkook's hotel room game to notice that I've been miserable for this whole goddamn tour. You're too self absorbed to notice if I'm upset, which is why you had not even the smallest clue that Beth and I broke up."

You swallow and regain the ability to speak again. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea."

"Of course you didn't."

You walk over and hug her, which she doesn't fight but doesn't hug you back either. When you break apart, her eyes shoot daggers into you.

"Maybe if you break up as well I'll get a rest from hearing you talk about you and him constantly, but I doubt it. You know, I'd be all for you never shutting up about him if you were just happy and grateful and living in the moment, but no, you've been freaking out about this happening since before we even got here!"

"I think my freaking out is valid—" you begin, but Astrid cuts you off.

"Not that much. You freak out way too much. Honestly, I think you getting fired or banned from seeing Jungkook or whatever you think is gonna go down would be the best thing for you. It's unhealthy to be so obsessed about one thing. And I don't get you... you used to go off about how he probably didn't even remember you existed, then you thought you were so important to him that you had to disguise yourself because you'd be so big of a distraction you'd ruin his career. You make no sense! And God, Y/N, it was a high school relationship. Why have you let that be the only thing that defines you?"

This conversation is making your skin crawl. You don't want to believe that she's right about you being self absorbed and obsessed. And for her to have the audacity to suggest you breaking up Jungkook would be for the better...

She doesn't object when you leave the room.

You sit out in the corridor for the rest of the night, not even thinking about going into Jungkook's room, and don't get a wink of sleep.

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