Chapter 14

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It was nighttime and the former Demon Emperor had been sent by his parents to buy groceries for the whole week although he didn't expect that he would buy this many as he was slightly struggling carrying the weight of all the groceries he bought.

Still, it was a peaceful night for Tokyo and Lelouch wanted to see the stars tonight as they look more beautiful than ever in the night sky so he stopped at an empty park and sat down in one of the benches.

He placed his groceries beside him and gently leaned against his seat before his eyes went to the stars, admiring it for how beautiful they are and enjoying the peaceful silence.

As his eyes continuously admire the stars, his mind slowly drifts off to the past. Oh, how he wished Nunnally would be here with him? How he wanted everyone he loved and cared about to be here with him? He knew it was an impossibility but he just can't help himself wishing it would come true.

He was then brought back to reality when a woman slowly walked up to him with elegance and confidence. One glance at her and Lelouch knew that many would call her beautiful and stunning. Her shoulder-length blonde hair sways in the cold wind as she stands before him. Her cold blue eyes were sizing him up like he should be kneeling in front of her and kissing her feet like a good little slave.

"Would you please take away your groceries and leave? I want to sit here." The woman rudely demanded with authority.

At that, a frown appeared onto the raven haired boy's face before his entire demeanor changes very differently that it made the woman flinch so slightly.

"I am surprised that you got the guts to talk to me like that so I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. But that's still a no no, madam. So, how about this, we share this seat and we watch the stars together peacefully?" Lelouch retaliated as he flashed a mischievous grin that just seemly means, 'I make the orders here, lady!'.

The woman was surprised at how the boy handled himself but since she was tired and all, she hesitantly took up his offer.

"What's your name?" The woman asked.

"I have no name. I am but thirty-three years old." Lelouch's rather cryptic reply made the woman feel unease before a glare from Lelouch made it even worse, "Just kidding. The name's Lelouch." He then smiled warmly and offered his hand to her in which she hesitantly accepted, still not trusting of the boy beside her.

"Elvira." The woman now known as Elvira croaked out before both of their hands parted ways.

"That's quite a nice name, Elvira. Quite angelic actually." Lelouch commented before his eyes slowly went to the stars again slowly followed by Elvira, "The stars. They're quite beautiful tonight, don't you think?"

"Nah, I disagree. They still all look the same to me." Her words earned a disapproving glance from Lelouch but seeing the look on her pale face just indicates that she doesn't care which made Lelouch slightly regretting his decision.

"That's what also makes them beautiful. No matter what happens, they still remain true to themselves. Pure and innocent. I believe it's quite astonishing. What do you think?"

Lelouch then turned his attention to her, eager to know her opinion. But something he saw in her hands made him change his current interest. It looked like a white thick powder in a small plastic pouch. It was...

"Cocaine?" She casually offered a whiff of the white thick powder without a care in the world.

For a moment, she reminded him of his old self when he was trying to inject Refrain into his System. An illegal highly addictive drug that brings you back to the good old days. A drug that probably would have destroyed him if not for Kallen stopping him and slapping him back to his senses.

And right now, a woman is offering him a drug that is not so different than the other. He can't allow this. No. He won't.

"You have disgraced yourself the moment you took a whiff of that. I didn't expect that you would be this so low." Lelouch's cold harsh words that speaks the truth made her flinch, "A woman that have stooped this low can never be a real woman and get the respect and attention she deserves."

In one swift motion, he quickly grabbed the pouch from her hands and used his Quirk to burn it into nothingness.

"What have you done?! That was all that was left and you burned it, you fuck!"

"It's for the better good. And besides, you don't want the police to catch you with that."

"You don't tell me what to do, you son of a bitch! You don't tell me what to do! Just who the fuck do you think you are?" Elvira cursed with venom in her voice before she grabbed Lelouch's hands and placed it on her quite revealing chest due to her quite expensive looking but also revealing dress, "Is this what you want, huh?! You trying to impress me by being the righteous hero?! This is what all you boys want, right?! Get some pussy, right?! No! It's a cumdumpster, right?! Okay, fine! Do me here! Fuck me! Fuck me in the ass! Fuck me in the mouth! Fuck me everywhere you want! Come on! Fuck me!"

Surprised at her hysterical outburst and offended by her words, Lelouch suddenly slapped her in the face so hard that she falls to the ground like a ragdoll being dropped.

"Now that you're done. I want you to take a good look at yourself, Elvira. You're so pathetic right now. Do you want to remain this way? I mean look at you! You're a mess. Right now, you look nothing more than a hysterical junkie."

"My life is already what you described before I met you! I don't need your words for me to see that!" She shouted with tears in her eyes.

"Wow. And you never did anything to change it?" Lelouch then crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow skeptically, "Look, you don't need that crap. You're better off without it. You don't need anything or anyone else. All you need is yourself and yourself only to survive this world of ours. You don't have to become what you just said. You only have to become the right person for yourself. Now, come on. Stand up before you dirty yourself even further."Lelouch then offered her a hand in which she hesitantly used to pull herself up, "Now, that's better. You don't have a place to stay, do you?"

Elvira was about to answer his question but Lelouch interrupted her by placing his finger on her lips, "No. Don't answer that. I already figured out that you are in fact homeless."

Only one question was in her mind before Lelouch gave her an apartment in the middle of the night, 'Just who the hell is this guy?'

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