Chapter 5

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hey guys! if your wondering the romace kicks in in this chapter! sorry I haven't really been updatin recently. it's just that I miss my nana very much, she died like 6 months ago...I felt like I could tell or ask her anything at all. but then she got VERY sick and was on a lot of medichine causing her to be VERY mean as well. she could hardly even walk, she had to use a walker to move at all. most of the time she would insult me or my I just stopped talking to her. the night before she died I went in there, as if I knew what was about to happen during the night (she died in her sleep) and I talked to her about different things and we laughed and we talked some more. then the next day when I was getting ready to go to school and my grandpa went in there and tried to wake her up. however she never did. my aunt went in there to see what was the hold up only to find out that she was....well I think you guys know what. my aunt was crying hard. at first I thought that she was just in a VERY deep sleep, then when I found out that she really was dead I really didn't know what to think.

thank you for your patience and now...

YOU MAY READ!!!!!!!!!!!


I heard footsteps running down the hall way to the infirmary, where I was. the door bursted opened up to see robin holding the same gun that slade took my powers with, "hey rae, this may hurt at least a little bit but it will give you back your powers okay?" he asked walking towards me. "okay" I said in my montone voice. a robin fired the gun causing a black gust of energy to quickly advance toward me. I closed my eyes when it hit me, it felt like I was getting stabbed with 20 daggers at one time. it felt like how slade stabbed me with that mecete before. I didn't scream, instaed I held it in, when it was all absorbed back into my body I felt more powerful. "how do you feel rae?" robin asked me "I feel good. more powerful now" I said getting up. "you wanna end this gun? why don't we take it up to the roof and throw it in the water below" asked robin smirking "oh yeah, I don't want slade to get any of his dirty fingers on that gun" I replied as robin and me walked out of the room and up to the roof. we stood at the end and looked down, "wow I haven't done this in a while now" I said looking below at the beautiful green and blue water. "would you like to do the honors?" asked robin "yeah" I said as he handed me the gun. I threw the gun off of the roof so hard that it created a tiny little wave, "that should do the trick" I said smirking. there is NO way that slade's getting anywhere near that gun again. I hope. "I'm sorry rae...." said robin sadly "why?" I asked "about what happened with slade" he said "robin, it wasn't your fault" I said trying to make him feel better. "I should've came looking for you sooner. if I looked for you sooner then you wouldn't have gotten hurt and your powers wouldn't have been drained" he said frowning. "robin there's nothing you can do about it now. what's done is done. you can't change the past" I said. "I guess your right. but I still wish I could've gotten there sooner" he said pulling me into a hug. I was shocked at first but hugged back eventually, "I missed you rae" robin said in my ear "I missed you too" I said softly so only he could hear me. we let go of eachother, I could feel my cheeks heating up. robin was blushing a light shade of pink. oh my god!!! does he like me????? maybe....wonder if he'll ask me out later. don't get your hopes up rae, it's just a light shade of pink it can't mean much. "rae?" asked robin crashing my train of thought "huh?" I asked dumbly "nothing...." he said turning his head away from me. "looks like storm cloulds are almost here. we should probably get back inside" said robin trying to change the subject. we walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the living room.we both stood on opposite sides of the elevator. about half way down to the living room there was a loud crash and then the lights went out. the elevator tilted casuing robin to fall on top of me. well this was akward as ever, I smelled something that smelled smoke! "do you smell that robin?" I asked him "yeah, it smells like smoke..." he said worriedly "oh that what I think it is?" I asked "fire!!!" shouted robin as the flames melted through the elevator wall. "man this is just not my day" I said using my powers to move robin from one side to the other side. I stood up and tried to use my powers to put out the fire but it only got bigger "it's an electrical fire rae! it can't be put out unless you get a fire exstinguiser!" robin informed me. I backed up and accedentilly fell on robin, this time he caught me, oh my lord he's blushing again!! this time it was deeper though, no raven focus at the problem at hand!! I got out of his grip and looked down. there was a hole in the bottom and the doors of the elevator. "we have to jump!" said robin as his blush faded. "alright" I said looking back at the fire which was still burning the elevator. the bottom and doors of the elevator had been ripped, robin grabbed me bridal style and waited until the living room was visible, then he used his grapling hook to get us to the living room. "there you too are! what's going on?" asked cyborg "yes something is absolutly wrong! THE FREAKING TOWER IS ON FIRE!!!!!" yelled robin. "oh great...." said bb "not now bb!" said cyborg rushing to grab the fire exstinguiser off the wall. he got it just as the flames reached the living room "oh....crap..." said bb with his eyes wide. I looked around scared as to what was gonna happen if we don't get this fire out fast. cyborg ran over to the flames and used the fire exstinguiser on it. soon the fire was out but the floor was burned pretty bad.

(hope you guys enjoyed!!!!)

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