Shot Through the Heart

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A/N - For some reason, I thought this was posted. Imagine my surprise when I realized it wasn't.

It was the Joker's birthday.

Birthdays weren't a top priority in the warehouse, since Lily and Harley were given gifts on a regular basis.

But this year was different.

Both Harley and Lily had combined their money in order to get the Joker something for his birthday.

Harley had told Lily that the Joker had never really told her when his birthday was or how old he was, so they just picked a random day and that day was today.

The Joker was sitting on the couch in the warehouse when Lily walked behind him.

She placed the Joker's present on the floor before sliding her hands down his chest and kissing his neck.

"What are you up to, princess?" he asked her.

"I have something for you", she told him.

The Joker grabbed her hands and said, "Oh really?"

Lily picked up his present and set it in his lap.

The Joker ran his fingers across the case and said, "What is this for?"

"Happy birthday, baby", Lily said, "It's from me and Harley".

The Joker scowled hearing Harley's name.

"It was mostly my idea", Lily whispered in his ear. She walked around the couch and sat next to him as he opened the case.

Lying in the velvet of the case, was a brand new gun.

The Joker would never say it out loud, but it was the most beautiful gun he had ever seen. The Joker raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"Well...?" Lily asked, gesturing to the gun.

He picked it up and inspected it.

It had hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs all up and down the barrel of the gun.

On the handle of the gun, there was a skull in a jester hat, matching the one he had tattooed on his chest.

Engraved into the opposite side of the handle was "Mister J".

"Do you like it?" Lily asked him.

The Joker placed the gun back in the case and closed it.

"You did very well, princess", he told her.

She smiled as the Joker placed his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her.

As he kissed her, his hand slid around to the front of her neck and settled on the base of her throat.

She loved it when the Joker praised her, but unlike Harley she didn't expect it.

So it made it all the more special.

"I should reward you", the Joker told her.

Lily shook her head and said, "You really don't have to".

The Joker suddenly wrapped his hand around her throat, lightly squeezing.

Not enough to choke her, but just enough to let her know who was in charge. "Are you rejecting me?" he asked her.

"No, of course not, J", she told him, "I...I just wanted to do something nice for you. I don't need any reward. I did it because I love you".

The Joker released her and Lily coughed as she rubbed her throat. The Joker and Lily sat in silence, until Harley bounced into the room.

"Did you like our present Mister J?" Harley asked him.

The Joker stood up from the couch and said, "It will do, but first, we need to test it out. Seeing as it's my birthday, I think all of Gotham should share in our celebration. Girls, go get ready".

"Yay!" Harley cheered. She smiled and ran to her room to get ready.

Lily started to make her way back to her room, when the Joker grabbed her and kissed her. The kiss took Lily's breath away. She knew this was the Joker's way of apologizing to her without having to say it out loud.

He released her and said, "Go get ready princess".

"Happy birthday, J", Lily said and left the room.

He had never told the girls when his birthday was, but they had correctly guessed that it was today. He smirked and started planning his birthday celebration.

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