Where are we

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I woke up in a abandoned room no one was there it was freezing cold me and the girls got split up.When we got split up I noticed that we weren't going home the police are not real police they are in the sex trade. I was just opening my eyes when I heard men talking and I went to the door to listen.

"Where we going to take them," one man said." I don't fucking know call Marco,"another man said. That's when they started coming and I ran back to where I was sitting and pretended to be sleep.

"Ayye girl are you up?,"one man asked. He tapped my shoulder and I got up like I was sleeping he tried to touch my thigh and I snatched away. " Don't fucking do that your leg is hurt im tryna see,"he said.

"I'm not your enemy I'm trying to help you,he said. Okay don't touch it just look I told him as I held my leg out. " alright I'm going to get the first aid kit stay here and don't move."the other man said.

The man walked out to get the first aid kit well if you not my enemy why the fuck do you have me here I questioned the man. "Well first off Shut the fuck up talking like that cause you ain't gonna get no where having a nasty ass mouth.

My bad damn can I have your name since I'm supposed to be trusting you but I don't tho just to let you know. " my name is rye and your name is?," rye asked me.

Well my name is naylah and why am I here?

"You are one of the girls to be sold you are in a sex trade we have to clean you up so we can sell you for money," rye said.

So why are you saying that shit like its cute and like everything alright how the fuck you gon say I'm supposed to trust you but you cleaning me up to be sol- ahhhhhh!!! Wtf!!!! I yelled while the other man poured alcohol on my leg to clean it.

"Shut the fuck up damn you yell to much and told you to trust me cause I'm not gon hurt you but you talk to fucking much and ask to damn much," rye said.

Where are the other girls?? My cousin is with someone else we got split up when we tried to escape.

"Well next time don't try to escape," rye said.


I was with kennedy when everyone got split up they took us back to this hotel.
The Police weren't actually police they worked for the trafficking business but we just did as they say the last thing I'm thinking about is getting home the first thing is staying alive.

"Come get this shit,"don said.
Don was one of the workers he was the one driving the cop car we still in the trafficking business I been up crying since we got back here.

I give up we been doing this shit to long I just said fuck it I know we not going no where so why not listen and not cause problems.

"Let's go since y'all tried to get away y'all getting sold early,don said.

We got up and got dressed because they were taking us some where to get sold.

They brought us to this place to get sold I was sitting down scared when I seen kennedy and Aniyah walk in the doors they were drugged.

While we were in the place before we escaped we took the time out to get to know each other we had nothing else to do we needed to see who we were with.

Everyone was sitting down as they brought all the girls out to be sold. That's when naylah and Amalah walked in they ran to each other and hugged each other before the got snatched away.

They were crying and everyone lined up so the men could pick out which girl they want.

Kemari got took,Jessica got sold, tianna,got sold ,geonvonni got sold, and Nora got sold. All the girls were just getting sold my heart was pounding out my chest I was hoping no one was going to call me.

That's when one man wanted two girls so he bought Amalah and naylah.
That's when I got called and I was being sold I started crying I can't believe what the fuck was happening.


Now I was big and pregnant I had a little baby bump I was now one month pregnant. The baby father was the man that rapped me. 

I was scared for my life I started throwing up.

"Take her to the clinic to see what is wrong with her," somebody shouted.

The man that rapped me grabbed my arm and took me out the room.

"What the fuck was that why the fuck did you do that," he said.

I looked up at him and started crying I..I...I..pregnant I finally got it out. He said oh shit fuck.

The man that rapped me he wasn't that old or he wasn't ugly but he rapped me and now I'm pregnant with his baby. He was fine I thought but I know I shouldn't be thinking that about a man who rapped me I was taught to forgive tho.

"ight go back out there," he said.
I walked out he walked behind me.
I'll buy her double of what he is paying that when I looked at my cousin and started crying we were being separated that when everything was over and everyone was took.

~The girls were sold
~Amalah Baby father is buying her
~Is Amalah Falling for her rapist?
~Mhhhmm READ THE BOOK!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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