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*Mina's POV*

I ran my hand through my hair. My mind is suddenly all jumbled up.

I should probably go outside and clear my head. Wait. Can I go out at this time? Tch, whatever, I'll just try not make any noise. I grabbed my coat and quietly opened the door leading to the courtyard. My eyes looked both ways, making sure no one was around. When I saw that the coast was clear I immediately closed the door as softly as possible, and made way down the courtyard.

How relaxing. Though the air around here is different from Tokyo, the stars are still the same, as mother used to tell me. But now, mother is one of those stars, shining ever so brightly. I smiled as I looked up to the sky. This 1year will go by fast, and everyone back home is depending on me...I've gotta do my best. I took a deep breath and inhaled the nighttime air. Everything's gonna be fine.

"It's nice out here isn't it?"

My heart suddenly jumped, making me to clench my chest. I slowly turned to face the person who spoke. 

"C-chaeyoung...I-I mean Miss Son...", dang she scared the heck out of me.

She laughed, "Just Chaeyoung is fine. No need to be formal...". Even though the nighttime is quite dark, somehow I can still see her cute smile under this moonlight.

 "A-ah...then C-chaeyoung...", my eyes faced the ground as I said it.

"Yes, Mina?". I quickly looked up at her, surprised that she called me by my name. But as soon as I looked at her, my face suddenly felt hot. God why is she smiling so cutely!?  

"A-ah...", I covered my face and turned the other way. Damn...why am I blushing all of a sudden!

"Mina?", she tapped my shoulder. Gosh, I really don't want her to see my overly red face right now... but....

"Y-yes?", I said as I slowly turned to face her. But as I faced her, I realized she was fairly close to me. Talk about no personal space, but it's completely fine if it's her.

Chaeyoung wasn't saying anything and was just looking into my eyes. Seriously...what is this situation.

She suddenly titled her head, "You're really beautiful. You know that, right?". Chaeyoung licked her lips and continued to stare at me. How the hell am I supposed to reply to something like that in this condition!? First of all, I'm already a hot mess, secondly, she's trying to kill me with her charm. And it's definitely working.

"T-thank y-you..", I clumsily uttered out those words. What a mess I am...

Chaeyoung smiled, "Of course". She stepped back a little, putting her hands into her pockets. I took the chance to take a deep breath. Seriously, any closer than that I would of thought she was going to kiss me... wait, what am I thinking? I shook my head and mentally scolded myself.

"When I can't sleep at night...I like to sit outside and clear my head", she said while looking up at the sky. But honestly, she's the one who looks beautiful...

"I like to do the same...", I glanced at her, and she glanced back.

Chaeyoung giggled. "I'm glad you're opening up a bit...I'm sure all of this is sudden to you", I couldn't help but to nod to that. All of this really was sudden, but somehow I'm kind of glad I'm here.

The night breeze started blowing, making my hair to fly into my face. I tried pushing it behind my ear but it wasn't staying. I should of brought a hair-tie...

"Here, let me help you", Chaeyoung suddenly appeared in front of me. Her hand lightly caressed my cheek as she pushed the hair behind my ears. God, she's killing me. My head was starting to imagine us kissing right now under this moonlight. I must be going crazy...

"There. Should be better now", a smile appeared on her face.

"T-thanks...again", I awkwardly smiled back.

She hummed. And again, the distance between us was a bit too close. The smell of her perfume started lingering in my nose, it was enticing, almost like being slapped in the face with flowers.

"Mina...", my eyes were focused on her lips as she said that. I dunno why, but I really want to kiss her.

Before I knew it, I found myself stepping closer to her. Totally removing that annoying personal space between us. 

I could feel her breath against my chest, slightly warming on this breezy night. Chaeyoung's eyes kept going to my lips then back up to my eyes, and I did the same.

There was a sudden tension that I started to feel. Almost suffocating. My body was starting to heat up, and the air around us no longer felt cold.

I wrapped my arms around her neck deliberately, and she responded by slithering her hand around my waist, pulling us closer. Our bodies were so close that I could feel the heat coming off of her. My body was itching for her to kiss me, but she wasn't. It almost feels like she's playing with my heart.

"Mina...", Chaeyoung whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for what was about to happen. My body is ready.

"I hope we can get along...", again her sweet voice sent shivers down my spine. But before I realized it, her grip released from me. I opened my eyes and saw no sign of her presence in front of me.

Did she just leave me hanging?! I bit my lip and let out a heaving sigh. Once again, I soon felt the nighttime breeze against my skin.

"Oh mother...what am I to do?", I looked up to the sky and gave one last glance at mother before heading inside.


Yakuza or Geondal?
Btw it's almost 2019! We're so excited 😁

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