Part 5 - more than a friend

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I woke up dehydrated. Probably because of all the crying. I opened my eyes and i couldnt recognize the room i was i, i sat up in panic and started looking around.
The door opened and i quickly got up on the opposite side of the bed, backing away from the door.
Then i saw Ethan standing in the door with a worried face.

«Are you okay? What happened»
He started walking towards me, he was about to grab my hand but i pulled it away from him.
«Oh...Maisie im sorry»
«No im sorry Ethan, i never should have let you drive me home, you shouldnt be dragged into this bullshit»

«Bullshit? Maisie, you were raped by your father!»
I flinched when he said father.
«He is NOT my father»
«Then who is he?»
«He is my stepfather, but most importantly he is an asshole»
Ethan couldnt help but smile and i started smiling aswell.

«Grayson is making breakfast downstairs if you want some food? My parents arent home so its just the three of us»
I nodded and we walked down to the kitchen.
I sat at the kitchen table and stared at Grayson making food, he looked good in his pyjamas and messy hair.
I sat there admiring him when suddenly Ethan sat next to me, pulling me out of my tranze.
Grayson turned around and smiled when he saw me, i smiled back at him.

«The food is ready»
He came over to me and handed me a plate with pancakes.
«Thank you Grayson, i didnt know you could cook»
«He doesnt» Ethan said and i looked over at him.
Grayson sat down besides Ethan and hit him in the head.
«Ouch! That hurts dude»
Grayson laughed at his brother, i couldnt help but smile.

«So Maisie, is everything alright?» Grayson asked.
Ethan kicked Grayson under the table, thinking i didnt notice so i pretended not to.
Grayson started eating his pancake.
«Yeah everythings fine» i said and gave him the fakest grin ever.
«I just got into a fight with Will, nothing much, i was drunk aswell so i overreacted»
I felt Ethans eyes on me, i didnt dare to look at him.

«Oh, well i hope everythings okay between you two» Grayson said and winked at me
«Whats that supposed to mean?» i asked him with an annoyed voice
«You like him, right?»
I choked on my pancake and started to cough.
No one had ever asked me that before.
Ethan got up and got me a glass of water, i took a sip of it before i looked at Grayson.

«No? Were bestfriends, nothing more, besides he's with Jane» i shrugged
«Jane? The one Grayson hooked up with?»
«Dude» Grayson frowned
«Yeah, that one, i think they got back together last night, not sure»
«So i assume thats what the fight was about?» Grayson asked
«The fight? Oh yeah, yeah thats what the fight was about» i smiled

Ethan got up and started walking towards the sink with his plate.
«I think i should take you home now, Maisie»
I swallowed my water and looked down at my plate.
«Yeah, sure»
I really didnt want to go home, being with the twins made me feel so safe.

«Hey Ethan, maybe i can drive her home? I havent seen her in a while» Grayson came out of the kitchen

Ethan gave him a side eye and let out a sigh.
«Fine, but dont upset her»
What was that supposed to mean?
Ethan threw the car keys to Grayson and then he looked over at me
«I guess i'll see you later Maisie, text me if you need ANYTHING»
I smiled at him and then i headed out the door, it was nice knowing i finally had someone to talk to about this, even though that person was Ethan.

We arrived at my house and i looked over at Grayson, i was about to open the door when he stopped me.
«Look Maisie, i know we havent really known eachother for a long time, but im really starting to like you, as more than a friend»
My eyes widened, i didnt know what to say. Sure i knew i felt something for Grayson, but i didnt know if it was real.

Suddenly Grayson started leaning in, my breath hitched when he put his lips on mine, they were only there for a few seconds, but it felt like hours.
It felt like fireworks went off inside of me and when he pulled away he looked into my eyes. I couldnt help but smile.
«Ill text you, okay?» i said before i got out of the car. He backed out of the driveway and i was alone.

I didnt dare to go in the front door so i went in the back and snuck into my room. I locked the door and laid down in my bed, i looked over at the clock. 2PM.
My mom and Hannah wasnt coming home until tonight, which meant i would have to find something to distract myself with in the meantime, theres no way i am going downstairs right now, knowing what happened to my stepfather and what he would do to me.

I decided to text Grayson
-I think im starting to like you too

He read the text, but he didnt answer.
I put my phone on my nightstand and covered myself with my duvet. I decided to get some sleep so that time would go by faster.

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