part 7 - he saw it happen

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Grayson came over after school, we had been paired up for a project, so he invited himself over.
We were sitting on my bed, him at the end and me at the top with all of our books in between us.
We had been working for about 2 hours when Grayson let out a sigh and looked at me.
«Can we please take a break? My brain is totally fried»
«Fine» i threw my pen at him and he frowned
«What was that for?»
«Nothing» i smirked
«Oh im gonna show you nothing» he pushed the books off the bed and started tickling me.
«No! Grayson! S-stop»
He continued and i couldnt breath from all the laughing.
«Grayson, i c-cant breath»
He stopped tickling me and put his hands around my waist instead, he stared into my eyes and i felt an urge to kiss him, so i did.

I pushed myself off the bed with my elbows and my lips hit his, at first it was slow but in no time it got more intense and Grayson flipped us over so that i was straddling him.
We continued for a while and suddenly Grayson pulled at my sweater, i knew what he wanted, but i couldnt give it to him, i didnt know how i would react.

«What?» he said while kissing my neck and slipping his hands under my sweater and up my waist.
«I c-cant Grayson, not yet»
He stopped completely and pulled himself away from me, he sat up in the bed looking to the side

«Do you not like me like that?»
I sat up besides him and cupped his face before turning it towards me, his eyes met mine.
«Yes i do, trust me, i do. Im just not ready yet»
He nodded slightly before a small smile showed up on his lips.
«Its fine, its whatever, i can wait»
I leant in and pecked his cheek before i got up from my bed, i was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist.

«Where are you going?»
I turn around to face him
«Just getting some water, you want anything?»
He bit his lip and gave me a look
«You» he said confidently
I chuckled and started going downstairs
«Wait, some lemonade would be nice!»

When i come downstairs my mom, Hannah and my stepdad was in the kitchen eating.
«I didnt know you were home honey, come eat with us» my mom said and smiled
«Actually i have a friend over, i'll just eat later»
«Is it a boy?» Hannah said and winked at me

I ignored her and went over to the fridge to get the lemonade, i poured up two glasses and was about to leave the kitchen
«Why dont you bring your friend downstairs? We never get to meet your friends»

Of course my mom had to suggest that.
The reason they never meet my friends is because i dont have any.

I clenched my jaw and looked over at my stepfather, he was giving me an intimidating look.

«I-i think were going out for ice cream, besides you have already met» i went over to the counter and put the glasses with lemonade down before i looked over at my mother and slightly smiled.
«Thats fine honey, do you need any money»

I was already on my way upstairs so i didnt bother answering her. I bust my door open and Grayson immediately looked up at me.

«Wheres the lemonade?» he said clearly dissapointed.
«We have to go, now.»
«What? Where?» he started packing up his things and followed me out the door
«I thought we could get ice cream or something, just be quiet, okay?» he nodded and we went downstairs.

Luckily the kitchen door was closed so we made it to Graysons car without bumping into anyone.

«Want to tell me what that was all about?» Grayson asked after he backed out of my driveway.
«Nothing» i shrugged
«You know you can talk to me right? I wont judge»
«Yeah i know, im just not ready to tell anyone yet, theres like one person who knows, and yeah i just cant»
«I get it. Whos the lucky one though?» he winked at me and my eyes went wide.

I didnt answer for a while i just stared out the window.
«Yeah?» i suddenly said a lot angrier than i intended
«Im sorry, i just zoned out a bit»
«Maisie? Who is it?»
I bit the inside of my cheek and took a deep breath in before i finally told him.

He removed the hand he had put on my thigh when we first got into the car.
«Ethan? As in my brother Ethan?»
He was gripping the steering wheel incredibly hard and i saw his body tense up.

«Yeah, dont worry Grayson, he is like a bestfriend to me, and he wasnt even supposed to know, it just...happened»

«What do you mean it just happened?»
«He saw it happen, okay? Can we please talk about something else now?»

«Saw what happen?» he looked over at me, clearly worried, i didnt answer.

«Please take me home Grayson» i said, my voice barely stable because of the tears that were collecting in my eyes.

«Maisie, im sorry, i didnt mea-»

«Just take me home Grayson, i cant do this right now» tears started falling down my cheeks and i could see Grayson nodding.

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