Part 1

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I heard my alarm and it kept on vibrating in my Brain
I realized it was Monday.. I hate Monday's because I know that I have to go to school and everyday I get bullied
I slowly got up because I cut myself yesterday and I was in pain..
I put on the usual

I grabbed my bag and went to the hell of all hells

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I grabbed my bag and went to the hell of all hells.. school
I saw my friends just talking by the flagpole
I went over them and they said
Hayden - Hey..
Carson - Sup..
Johnny - did you? Cut
Carson - unfortunately
Hayden - I already did so much damage when I cut myself I tried to do it but I felt as if I don't have that much blood in my system..
Johnny - Don't we all *walks to his locker*
I went over to my locker and put my textbook in my bag but as soon as I turned around of course Christian, Asher, and Harvey punched the life out of me
I fell against my locker and onto the floor
I heard the echo of laughter as things started to get blurry
I wiped my eyes and I tried to get up but failed miserably
I could hear echos of John and Hayden's voice
Hayden - CARSON! *echo*
I slowly got up in pain
Carson - I'll be fine.. *in pain*
Hayden and John helped me up
The popular groups POV:
Jayden - Wow your really wiped him out clean! *laughs*
Lexi - Nice Job!
Annie - Um ya.. *looks back and sees he's stumbling*
Annie sighed
Asher - You good babe!
Annie - Oh I'm fine..*looks back*
Carson's POV:
Carson - Shit..*touches head*
Johnny - We should take you to the office
Carson - No I'll be fine-
Hayden - Carson your suffering
Carson - Don't we all..
Hayden - Just come on..
Carson - Ugh fine..
They took me to the office and they put bandages over my arms and told me to go back to class
I walked in and of course there was a hoard of laughter
I scoffed and sat in my seat with my partner
After Class
I slowly walked in pain to my 2nd period and trying not to fall
Lunch time came along
We were sitting at our table and I felt as if I was being watched
I looked back at me and saw a brunette girl glancing at me
Shes really pretty but thanks to life I don't even know what love is
I looked away and continued talking to my friends
After school
I walked home as usual
When I got home I cutted some more because today was the worst day ever and there's been so many bad days
I ate less I only ate 3 chips and that was my meal for bed since my dads in prison for his abuse and can't work
I try to work but my anxiety is really bad
I've never had a girlfriend or felt love before
I've had girls ask me out but I wasn't really interested
I took of my sweater and and shirt and sat on the bed
I placed my hands on my face
I looked out the window and saw absolutely nothing but pure trees
I sighed and teared up
Carson - I'm all alone.. *says softly*
I teared up
My house.. it was ruined because I have nothing
My chest had a bunch of cuts on it
I'm ruined basically..
I decided to call it a night
I fell asleep
The next morning
I felt a dizziness in my head as if you just woke up from a hungover
I rubbed my eyes and of course felt the most worst pain as ever..
I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth then put on this

I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth then put on this

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I put these pants on

 I went and grabbed my bag and headed to school When I arrived I saw Christian looking as if he wanted to pound someone and I got really scared so I went into the other side of the school I walked alone as usual but my friends were by the flagpole...

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I went and grabbed my bag and headed to school
When I arrived I saw Christian looking as if he wanted to pound someone and I got really scared so I went into the other side of the school
I walked alone as usual but my friends were by the flagpole and I couldn't go over there.. Christian is probably gonna kill me and idk why..
I walked by the back of the school and I saw the same brunette girl that I saw last time
Gosh she was so pretty but I can't love I'm not even taught to love because I have nothing
We made eye contact but then looked away
I texted Hayden
Carson - Hey Hayden
Hayden - Sup! Where are you?
Carson - I'm the back of the school..
Hayden - Why?
Carson - Look at Christian
Hayden - Shit he looks like he wants to kill someone
Carson - Thats Why I cant see him
Hayden - And how are you gonna do that?
Carson - Idk.. but I'm not stopping tell I figure it out
I walked to my 1st period early
We were in the lunch line and I saw Christian and Asher looking around the school trying to find me
I put my hoodie hat on
Maybe this was the day I'm not gonna get bullied or effected by them
I got my food and dragged Hayden and John to another table far from them
We ate lunch peacefully which was reliving
As soon as the bell rang I felt a sort of light in my body like I was feeling but little did I know I was so wrong but something happened
Asher came up to me and punched my stomach
Asher - Christian He is right! *says it in a good way*
Christian- Oh great! Huh see you tried to hide *laughs*
All of his crew was there
Harvey - Hmm What should we do??
Christian - Hmm Maybe this
They started beating me up but as they were beating me up I looked and saw a girl crying and I was confused but still.. In pain as usual
They finished and I was all brushed in my arms and chest
Christian - Bye Bye Loser *laughs*
Asher - Bitch!
They left but the same girl stayed
?? - I'm so sorry *cries*
Carson - Huh
?? - There so mean to you *touches my shoulder and wipes her tears*
Carson - Hey it's ok..
?? - No it's not.. They hurt you and you look like your in some serious pain..
How did she know? Everyday of my life I always get hurt..
Carson - Its.. True
Annie - I'm sorry I'm Annie.. Annie LeBlanc
Carson - I'm Carson
Annie - Can you come with me
Carson - I have to go to class...
Annie - No to the office
Carson - I tried it's like the office doesn't care about me
Annie - Please Just..
Carson - Fine
She got her little small hand and took me to the office
Office Lady's - Yes Annie! What do you need?
Annie - Um Carson.. He got hurt pretty bad.. and we need to help him please
Office Lady's - Oh Carson Lueders? Um Ok
It seemed as if they didn't care
I looked down because obviously they don't and just gonna give me a stupid bandage as usual
Office - Go to the nurses office and miss LeBlanc, please report to class *gives her a note*
Annie - But-
Carson - Its Ok I'll be fine..
I heard a gulp as she walked out the door
I looked back and she was gone
Office Lady's - Ok go!
I went into the nurses office surprisingly they sent me home and as I arrived I felt as if I needed someone but who would want me
2 hours later school ended and I was laying on my bed until I got a phone call

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