For Darling Nathan

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Every day, every day a new tale comes about.

The words come easy when the heart is full

I pour it onto the page.

When one realizes the troubles he has been put through because of a sickening deal.

It can really give you the view you need on the world.

You were the angel I wanted. You were the angel I needed.

A fallen one on the Earth for all to see, but me.

They right when they called you a demon.

They were right when they said you were worthless.

I am the fool who stood beside the villain in the face of hell fire.

I was the one who became a servant of the dark side.

Why did I stand with fists ready at the edge of time to aide you?

How could I be there as the magic twirled around and the skies shifted?

My best friend looked at me in horror as she withheld the truth.

Lying every day and every night you lived.

I was the one you could lean on and count on.

Even now that the world is safe and all is calm,

The drinks so not wash the bitterness of the sight of you.

I am belting out this song as loud as I can to let you know.

The last moments before I fall to illness,

You will feel it deep inside your black heart.

You will know how you injured me, how you misused me!

By some revolting and twisted way my heart still loves you as I hate you.

My wrath will not be settled by the comfort of death.

Lying every day and every night you lived.

I was the one you could lean on and count on.

And I know that I have been listening you to without question

But do you really think now everything shall be forgiven?

I have the whole situation figured out in my head.

I have got it all down here.

And I know you are alive with a new master.

I know I have spoken with you in the smoke of the bar.

I have seen you with my eyes.

And I will not be silenced easily in at this my fail breath.

My violin and my voice will carry on my last wish.

My bitterness will not stop here.

You will face it in the child I leave behind.

He will bring an end to the work I did.

And I know that I have been listening you to without question

But do you really think now everything shall be forgiven?

I have the whole situation figured out in my head.

I have got it all down here.

I love you as I hate you.

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