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Samuel was now extremely nervous.

"Do you think she liked it? Do you think I took it too far? Was it too much? Too less? Do you think she'll think I'm weird?"

Ren rolled his eyes. "Can you stop freaking out and go back to her? She's probably waiting and wondering if you died!"

Samuel swore under his breath. He rushed back to their table, smiling widely when he saw the girl at the table again.

"Hey," he said breathlessly.

Diana looked up, lips forming a sweet smile. "Hi."

He reclaimed his seat, across the girl, wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans. 

"I actually considered the fact that you might have died," she said, giggling.

Samuel nearly choked. 'Looks like Ren was actually right,' he thought.


"Nah, it's alright. I was kinda trying to wrap my head around the performance."

"Yeah. That."

She laughed again. 

"So, uh-how was-did you........um-how did we-"

"Samuel, calm down. Try to make a proper sentence," she said, giving him a lopsided smile.

"Did you like the stage?" he managed to squeak out.

"Like? You're asking me if I liked the stage?" she asked, incredulously. "Sam, I loved it! It was absolutely amazing!" 

He tried to hide his sigh of relief but she caught it.

"Sammy, were you worried about how I would react? That I would think that it was weird or something?" she asked slyly, an amused glint in her eyes.

He stared at her, mouth open in shock.

"Well, if you really needed to know. I thought that your voice was absolutely amazing. It was clear, it didn't crack throughout the entire performance. You handled the high notes very well. Ren provided very stable back up vocals. The girl was incredibly good, she's a gem. The boy on drums is clearly talented, he's definitely a keeper." she said honestly. "Good enough?"


He chuckled. 

"Thanks, Darling."

Her eyes widened at the familiar nickname and she gave him an embarrassed, small smile. 

"No problem, Sammy boy." 

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