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Diana / Jax / Emily / Riley

Only if you paid attention you would know. Some of her friends noticed it, some of the teachers did too, and one boy.

She had begun to smile more. They weren't full on grins. They were soft smiles, randomly. Excusing herself for a minute and coming back ten minutes later, eyes sparkling and smile threatening to appear.

She had become happier. 

And it was because of one person.

"You're strangely happy these days, aren't you?" one asked, not looking away from his screen.

Diana turned to him confused. "What?"

His eyes flicked to her for a moment. "Did you get laid or something?" he teased, smirking.

Diana rolled her eyes. "Shut up, idiot."

He snickered. "Well, a lot of us have noticed. You keep on smiling randomly during the day. You even smiled during Physics. You hate that class."

She shrugged. "It's nothing," she mumbled, looking away.

He bit his lip. For some reason, he knew that she was lying. And he wanted to know.

"Let it go, Jax." came a soft voice from next to him.

He looked over to her.

"What are you talking about, Emi?"

She typed away, not answering for a second. "I know you're curious, But lay off the questions for a while. You know Diana. She's not in theatre for nothing. She could be hiding something big and you'd never know."

 He clicked his tongue. "Don't act like you're not curious, Emily. Diana is the most cheerful girl we've met. The only time we've actually seen her sad was at the grad party. Don't you think that it's weird that it was possible for her to be so much more happy than her usual self? What if...."

"She's been faking all of it? I don't know, Jax. We've never been able to read her. She's like a Greek book. Nobody can find out how she actually feels."

He sighed, turning his attention back to his computer. 

"Probably the only one who might know is Riley."

After the class, the pair approached Riley who looked at them slightly thrown off.

"What's up, guys?"

"Do you know what's been up with Diana lately?" he asked, going straight to the point.

She tilted her head to the side. "Did something happen?"

"She's been really happy about something lately. You have any idea?"

"Not really. Diana doesn't like talking about herself-"

A memory came back to Riley.

"It isn't that she doesn't like talking about herself," said Sakshi, watching Diana as she laughed at one of the jokes. "It's either she doesn't feel it's worth the time, she doesn't see you or whoever as the serious type or she thinks that you might make fun of her. She's delicate. And she's complex. After three years, I still haven't figured out her train of thought. She may look childish, but there's a mysterious maturity in her. It's like she thinks she'll be judged for everything, so she just sticks to listening."

Riley paused. "I don't know. She's never opened up to us," she said, looking down.

"But you guys are so close! Aren't you best friends?"

Riley froze. That's what they were, weren't they? But she realized that she had been too busy hanging out with the people who joined their group, she forgot about how they should've been. It was now she realized why Diana had been quiet when she said, 'I know you best. I've been your best friend for ten years.' 

Had she really been? Had she stuck by Diana's side through everything? Just like they had promised when they were young?

The answer was clear.


How could she have forgotten about how much they hung out? How could she have forgotten that once they were inseparable?

"Maybe you should ask Stella. After all, she sticks to Diana the most," she said, finally speaking.

The pair nodded, leaving Riley behind in her thoughts. A friend of theirs came up slinging an arm around Riley.

"Riley, you okay?"

Riley just sighed. "I don't know." 


I wanna read 'They Both Die At The End', so badly but I think it's better to buy the book, so now I have to wait~

I heard about it from an Instagrammer I follow and apparently it's a great book! I'm really excited to eventually read it!

It's all happy now so a bit of angst coming in soon because I'm a sucker for angst XD



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