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The girl sat in her chair, books crowding her table, open and waiting to be read. She stared at the pages, but she wasn't actually reading anything. Her hands held a pencil that mindlessly scribbled on the notebook she had. She was simply caught up in the events that had just taken place.

A sigh escaped her mouth. 

Her phone vibrated on her bed but she didn't hear it. But even if she had, she wouldn't have picked it up. 

Her door opened wider revealing her mother who had a look of disappointment on her face. Diana didn't look at her.

"Are you studying properly?"

She mumbled words of affirmation.


"I am." the words came out of irritation. Couldn't her mother leave her alone so she could mope at least for a while?

The woman swiftly pocketed her phone, aware of her daughter's gaze on her. "You're not getting this back until summer."

Diana simply turned her gaze back to her books. She walked out. After making sure that she wasn't coming back, the young girl swiftly closed the door before returning to her seat. 

She let out a shaky sigh. Disappointed faces had become a norm to her. But that didn't mean it hurt any less.

She desperately wanted to message Sakshi, but she couldn't without her phone and the laptop was lying in the living room.

Before she could stop it her eyes became misty. 

Tears fell on her glasses, making her remove them.

Frustration boiled in her stomach, for she was unable to tell everyone what she actually wanted to say.

"Maybe if you hadn't let me do what I wanted when I was a baby, I wouldn't be so weak," she muttered to herself. 

She harshly wiped the tears out of her eyes and removed its traces from her faces. But inside she knew, they wouldn't notice.

Useless and shameless was what her father had said.

Lazy and unproductive her mother had said.

She always messed things up. Helped when she wasn't supposed to. Never studied enough. Never listened. 

Never was good enough.

She stared at the beat up notebooks that lay in the corner. She took one and flipped through the pages. It brought a small smile to her face. They were incredibly cringey, but nonetheless, it was funny to see the little notes she had left for her future self.

'Amma scolded me again today......'

'We went for the movie today, it was so much fun!!!!'

'My surprise birthday party!! Thank you to Sakshi for doing this for me<3'

'THE ALBUM CAME. I'M SCREECHING. On another note, have you ordered anything new? Were/Are you as excited as we were?'

'Music class....ugh save me.'

'Tom Holland is so cute >.< Who gave him the rights, I'm hurt.'

Diana giggled but closed it and threw it back to the corner, turning back to her books when she heard footsteps.

"What are you doing?"

"Math," she muttered, starting the random problem that she saw.

"Maybe if you tried you would actually do well. You watch YouTube videos and listen to those Korean boys religiously as if they'll ask about that on the test. If you studied with the determination you have when you watch that, you'd probably be the best student."

She bit her lip.

"All of that is a waste of time. Use that time to do something productive." her father said scathingly.

He walked out, leaving her in the room, wishing she didn't have to live this life.

Wishing she didn't have to...












Hey guys!!! I know I said I wouldn't update but I couldn't help it >_<' 

Slightly angsty because boards are killing me. Let's cry together. I'm sorry if I made it too sad (Or am I? XD)

Hope you like it!! If I can I'll try to update again, but it'll probably be another short chapter because I can't afford to waste too much time...



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