Dangerous Affection- The Hunger Games- A Cato Love Story

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Name: Alexandra Cade

Age: 15

Home: District 11- Agriculture

Year: 73rd Annual Hunger Games

Description: Height- 5'5 about 115 pounds (this is underweight, for all you teens that think being over 110 pounds means you're fat). Dark brown hair, small frame, green eyes, slightly tanned skin. She is average strength, quick and agile. Better with a bow and arrows than anything, but if she wields a sword, don't underestimate what she can do with it. Alexandra has 3 siblings- Xavier, her twin brother, Trevor, who is 9, and Marco, who is 4. Her mother, Cassandra, passed away only a few months after having Marco, leaving her father, James, to care for all three of his children alone in one of the poorest Districts in Panem- second only to District 12. Some days, though, James wished they had been in District 12, where he heard the Peacekeepers weren't so strict. With the loss of her mother at the age of 11, Alexandra, to say the least, was not like the other girls. A girl that used to be happy a cheerful was now dark and sullen, and only a few people could catch a glimpse of who she was before her loss. She doesn't trust in people easily- which could be a strength or a weakness, depending on the situation. Despises the Capitol with every ounce of her being, though never voices her opinion aloud, aside from her brother, afraid of the consequences it would bring if any other soul heard her speak it.

Some likes: Walking in the small patch of woods was her favorite thing to do- the woods that were left in the District, small as most of it had been cut down to plant the orchard trees. Climbing high in the trees made her feel light as air, almost, almost, freeing the worry from her mind.

Dislikes: Rude, bossy people. For a quiet, shy girl, authority just didn't sit well with her. She doesn't like the fact that her father was never home, but she can't really help that, as he has to work enough to feed all 5 of them by himself.

Weapons: A bow and arrows, pretty handy with a knife, can work with any weapon given to her.

Weaknesses: Hand to hand combat.

Strengths: Stealth. Good with weapons. Runs fast and can for a while. Can climb trees as high as their limbs will let her.

**Note: In my story, Cato was not in the 74th Annual Hunger Games. More on that later in the story.

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