Chapter 3: The Truth Hurts

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Chapter 3- The Truth Hurts

I've never been in a car. Foot was how we travel, unless we are working in the fields. Then it's by wagon, riding it out to the patches of the orchards that haven't been gathered yet, and then filling it with all the fruit to ship off to the Capitol. Many of the Districts think we are all well-fed, since our industry is Agriculture. Little do they know, we aren't allowed to eat any of the crops. None at all- the mayor is very strict about it. Once, a little boy ate a piece of fruit, thinking no one would notice or care. That afternoon, he was whipped in front of everyone. His mother and a few others sobbed that he was little, and didn't understand. They told us that he would never forget now, and neither would anyone else. That was an understatement.

Five or ten minutes later, we arrive at the train station. I've done my best to wipe my face of all emotion, keeping my head down and not meeting the eyes of anyone trying to get a picture of me or let the camera's get a good close up of my face. Ryder, on the other hand, smiles and looks straight at the cameras. It isn't but a small smile, but it is enough to make him look... Not smug, really. Happy doesn't fit either. I don't see it until I look into his eyes.

He is determined.

I don't understand why that shocks me. He has every right to want to win. But I hadn't seen anyone from District 11 look like they were enjoying being sent off to the arena. Districts 1, 2, 4, of course- heck, they normally had several volunteers at each Reaping. But I had always thought the rest of us were better than that. Guess Ryder has other ideas.

I shake my head, only looking up for a moment when I realize we can't board the train until the cameras get a good luck at me, for a moment at least. I glance up, trying not to look as scared as I feel, picturing my brothers back home watching me.

Weak. I look weak.

But I feel brave.

In a matter of seconds, I board the train to take me far away from my home.

As soon as I step on, the doors slide shut behind me and the train shoots off. The tribute train is fancier than anything I'd ever seen before. We are each given our own space that has a bedroom, a dressing area, and our own bathrooms with hot and cold running water. We never had the luxury of hot water back in District 11- unless we boiled it, but to boil enough water for all five of us would have been absurd. No, we only got hot water on special occasions.

The drawers are filled with all kinds of clothes, and Felicia Perdita tells me to wear anything I see fit, to do anything I want. All I have to do is be on time for supper in half an hour. I take off my mother's green dress and take a hot shower. No one back home has showers, and this is the first time I've ever had one. It feels nice, and I stay in it longer than I need to. After getting out, I dress in jeans and a fitted long sleeved black tee. I slip on Xavier's ring I had taken off before showering and twist it around my finger, closing my eyes and remembering how we were before Mother had died. Before the pain had ruined what we had before we could really appreciate it.

I think back to when Xav and I were around 3 years old. Marco and Trevor hadn't been born yet. It was the middle of summer, and for some reason neither Mother nor Father had had to work in the orchards that day. Xav and I were running around, chasing each other, squealing in delight when Father raced up to us and flung both of us up into his arms.

"Daddy, put me down!" I had laughed.

"Alrighty there, Alex." Father chuckled, and put Xavier down.

"Daddy, you put Xav down, not me!" I giggled.

"Did I now? I just couldn't tell the difference between you two." He had said, putting me down next to Xavier.

"Eww! I look nothing like him/her!" Xavier and I had both shrieked.

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