Chapter 11

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"... I knew you were trouble when you walked in so shame on me..."
~ Taylor Swift


I wake up to the sound of my own heartbeat.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

My hands are tied to my sides, my butt is sat on a cold concrete floor, and my back is leaning against a rigid brick wall. Judging by the amount of difficulty I'm having just to move my back off the wall, I think I've been in this position for over hours.

Sitting in this position, I decide to open my eyes. With all my force, I peel open my eyes and I'm greeted with more darkness.


I might as well had kept my eyes close because even with them open, I can't see anything. My eyes are useless, so I decide to use my other senses.

The room feels spacious and cold. My legs are bare and full of goosebumps along with my arms because Kai's t-shirt only covers me up to my thighs. My upper, right side is in less pain. I can tell the infection is mostly gone because every time the inside of my arm brushes the wound, the swollen skin feels smaller than before.

My thoughts are interrupted by a blinding light appearing from behind a creaking door. A silhouette of Kai stands in the doorway and slowly it moves closer to me.

"You're finally awake," Kai says as he crouches down to my level. It's him, who stands in front of me, but fire is what appears in my mind. The fire that he set to burn my whole family alive. "Not in the mood to talk I see."

"I-," I try to reply, but the dryness in my throat breaks my voice.

"Water?" Kai holds up a water bottle, I had no idea he carried in with him. My eyes are glued to it, but I know better. I'm not going to beg for it. Without another word, he unscrews the cap and holds the bottle above my head. I tilt my head back, opening my mouth as he pours in the cool water.

The water calms down the burning sensation within me. It helps my heartbeat return to normal and moisturizes my dry throat.


"I hope you're not waiting for a thank you because clearly, you're not getting one."

"At least we know Summer's still in there," Kai responds.

"The only reason I'm still here is because I'm tied to this damn wall, but the second you untie me, I hope you know I'm going to ruin you in ways nobody can even dream of. I'm one person you did not want to double cross Kai Black. You made a mistake and you'll regret me for the rest of your life," the rage spewing out like an active volcano. Nothing but hate and regret clouds my mind. I should've killed him the second I thought I could.

"It's a good start. I really expected you to scream at the top of your lungs or cry your eyes dry." I wait quietly for him to continue," I accept the challenge. I accept you Summer White. I'm going to work on you until I watch you cry yourself to sleep, until you scream in agony and beg for me to stop. I will make your life miserable. That's what the deal was about."

"Plenty have tried. Endless people have tried, but only one has ever exceeded. You can never top what he made me go through, never in a million years could anyone ever make me beg like he did. No one has seen my eyes as swollen as he has. No one has ever been so cruel and demeaning to me as he has. No one can be worse than him, that's why I'm not scared. I'm not scared of you Kai. I can't be scared of you," my voice full of force. Flashbacks from my childhood appear in my mind as I speak. Nick is definitely a part of it, but who's coming to mind, is a whole different person. One, more cruel than Nick.

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