Chapter 26

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Warning: Sexual/abusive content in the following chapter.


"...Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crying..."
~ Shawn Mendes

"~ Shawn Mendes

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"No, that doesn't work because the way they're going detours back to the same hall cutting us off," I point out to the three men. All four of us are huddled around a map of the Closson mansion coming up with escape routes and going over how everything's going to play out. It's currently close to midnight and we arrived around six in the evening. The apartment is cozy and nothing over the top.

"Okay, then we only have the first three. The best one would be that you somehow get out of the room and blend into the crowd, but if you can't get out of the room, there's a vent you could use to crawl out," Alec mentions.

I nod in response.

"You're not going to have any pieces of equipment on you except a tracking device just incase things don't turn out as planned. You need to listen to every single word that comes out of everyones mouth and pay attention to what's in between. Pay attention to what they're not saying," Kai instructs.

"Okay," I reply dully. I look through the window at the dark night. Exhaustion is taking over my mind as it goes off of focus. "I'm gonna warm up some milk for myself. We're done, I think."

"Seems like it, I'm gonna head to bed," Alec says. "Are you sure you're okay sleeping on the couch?"

"Yeah, I am," I smile. Alec gives me a skeptical look, but doesn't push it further as he gets up and walks into his room.

Cole is the next to stand. His hand brushes through his black hair as he yawns tiredly, "I'm gonna head to bed too."

I watch as he disappears behind one of the bedroom doors. My head turns to my side to look at Kai, but he's not there. The sound of a door closing makes my head turn towards the washroom. Left alone, I get up and head to the kitchen.

I couldn't bring vodka with me for the night, so to help me stay awake, I decide to make myself some tea. It's not as caffeinated as coffee, but it should still work. I can usually never go to sleep after drinking tea. I pull out a kettle from one of the cupboards and fill it with water.

I plug it into the outlet and wait for the water to heat up. A cold wind passes through me as I yawn tiredly. I rub my eyes and start looking for a cup to keep myself busy. I spot a bunch of cups in one of the high cabinets.

Being five seven, I sometimes think that I'm tall enough to do anything. My dreams are always crushed by these darn cabinets that are so fucking high. Like what idiot thought to put the cabinet seven feet high? It's not like men are in the kitchen all day.

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