Chapter 37

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"I know you've been hurt by someone else I can tell by the way you carry yourself If you let me, here's what I'll do I'll take care of you..."
~ Drake ft. Rihanna


"Kai," I sigh heavily watching him hurry out the car and inside the house. Not wasting much time, I do the same while carefully carrying the baby in one of my arms.

"Hey... what the – bro, what happened?" Alec questions as he notices our state. Kai ignores Alec's presence heading upstairs, I'm guessing to his room.

"Kai, wait! Alec, hold the baby. I need to talk to Kai," I instruct.

"Who? What? Who's?"

"Yes, this is Lucy and Kai's baby," I reply. "Just clean the baby up and call Lily."

I rush up the stairs towards Kai's room. Without a single thought, I try to turn the knob to his door, but it's locked.

"Kai!" the side of my fist pounds on his door.

"Kai, please open the door. You can't shut yourself out just because of one thing. You been through so much. Don't let this bring you down. Please, open the door," I beg.

"Kai," tears rush down my face. Why am I crying for a person who has destroyed my whole life? Is it because I feel sympathetic for what he went through, that his child might have to face the same things as us when he grows old or that I see myself in him?

I don't know, but I think it's mostly out of fear. If he shuts himself out now, who knows what kind of monster he'll turn into.

"Kai, please. Please don't shut yourself out. Not for me, not for Alec and not for Cole, but do it for your son. You promised Lucy that he wouldn't face what all of us face everyday, but how are you gonna do that by locking yourself out from the world?" I wait for a response, but don't get one.

"Fine. If you're not going to give this up, then I'm just as stubborn. I'm gonna stay, right here, in this exact spot until you-" I stop when the room suddenly starts to spin. I grab onto the doorknob to hold myself steady. Slowly, I lower myself onto the ground hoping that it'll help me feel less dizzy. I sit down and turn my back so that it's leaning against the door. Without proper vision, I continue to speak, "you come out. I'm not going to eat or drink anything until you do."

"Summer?" My head turns to the source of the voice. Alec makes his way down the hall in my direction. His face distorted with stress. "What are you doing? Why are you sitting outside Kai's door like this?"

He kneels down taking in my state. "

"Summer, please tell me what happened."

"I don't know what happened," I take a deep breath and my fingers rake through my hair. Sorting through all the events of today in my head, I try to explain what happened.

"Kai was taking me somewhere when he got a call from Lucy. The next thing I know is that I'm helping Lucy give birth to Kai's baby and she dies and all of this comes down on the same damn person, Nick."

Every memory I've ever had of Nick plays itself like a recording in my mind forcing me to feel all the pain he's ever inflicted.

"Nick is the problem to everything. He killed Kai's best friend and now Kai's broken. He broke Kai, but I'm not letting that happen, okay? I'm not going to let Nick win. I'm not letting him break another soul."

My heart clenches at the thought of Nick winning again. He has broken and manipulated countless numbers of people, but this time, it's going to be different. I can help Kai because I know exactly what he's feeling and I can save him. I will not let the bit of light, that's hiding within him, burn out. I'm going to brighten it using the one thing dearest to him; his son.

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