The British Model -- Jason

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A week before summer ended in 1987, I had a chance encounter with another character through a sneaky blind date concocted by my eldest sister, Florence. She invited me to have drinks at Tia Maria in Greenhills which is a popular hang out for teens who like to drink pitchers of zombies and margaritas. It was a Spanish style bar, very dark inside and teens consider themselves rebels when they hang out there because our strict nun enforcers were known to pop by on occasion to catch students who were drinking at the bar. You have to understand the culture in the Philippines is different from North America. There was no ban back then to serve minors alcoholic drinks and businesses thrived on this.

Anyway, my sister said we were meeting her dentist friend Jun, and just having light appetizers. I knew her dentist friend because he was a close family friend who did everyone's braces.

I was surprised to see that Jun had a guest with him sitting at the table waiting for us. He was a young, 18 year old British male model named Jason. He looked familiar and I realized that I've seen his Coca-Cola billboard ads on Edsa wonder he looked familiar. Apparently, Jason also noticed me in a club called Rumours when I accompanied my other sister to go dancing, he was also there with Jun and asked to meet me. So this turned out to be a surprise blind date?!

Of course I was extremely flattered! This guy was hot! He was a freakin British import male model, with a billboard of his hotness along Edsa for heaven's sake!! I was so nervous and shy that I barely said a word. My sister and Jun pretended to ignore us and chatted away. Jason decided to sit beside me at the table and started light conversation. After drinking 2 glasses of the Zombie pitcher we ordered and a couple of Tacos later, I felt Jason's hand grazing my back. I felt so uncomfortable and didn't really know how to react. I excused myself and went to the washroom. When I got back, Jun looked at me directly and said "Jason wants you to know that if you ever decide to lose your virginity, he wants you to call him". OMG! My sister and Jun started giggling at my expense, thinking this was just some funny joke they were pulling on me.

Meanwhile, Jason kept grazing my back lightly with his fingers and I couldn't take it anymore so I stood up, told my sister we had to leave and she said fine. But first she said, we have to drop by Jun's pad close by because she had to get something from him. I agreed since Jun was driving us home anyway. Not once did it clue in that this was a setup.

When we got to Jun's townhouse complex across Greenhills, we were walking in the pavilion where the swimming pool was when I suddenly felt someone push me in the pool! It was a shallow pool and since I was wearing a balloon skirt, my skirt started to float up. Jason jumped in the pool with me and for some weird reason, Jun and my sister disappeared but I can hear their faint laughter somewhere.

Jason came close to me and suddenly kissed me on my lips. It was my very first kiss from a boy, and I felt confused not knowing what to do. Do I kiss him back? I had no idea how to kiss properly and this was a super hot guy! Geez what is going on with my life?! I should feel lucky getting kissed by this British male model or should I fight him off ? I decided to push him away gently but to my surprise, Jason held me in his arms tightly and while kissing me, I felt his hand go underneath my shirt trying to feel my breast! That's when I pushed him away really hard and got out of the pool fast. I ran to the back soaked in wet clothes and called for my sister.

She came out seemingly suprised that I was dripping wet but I could tell it was an act. She and Jun planned for this to happen, they knew what Jason wanted to do and I was upset at her. Jun lent me a towel to dry myself and drove us home. I didn't speak to my sister or anyone in the car while driving home and they could tell I was upset.

That was not the last time I would ever see Jason. I would see him again a few months later during our school Sports Intramurals and another attempt by my sisters (yes this time both my older sisters) try to set us up again.

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