Bizarre Love Triangle - The model or the school boy?

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  • Dedicated to Jourdanne and Mika

Our high school Intramurals was one of the most anticipated annual events on campus, next to the school fair. People from outside our "convent walls" were allowed to visit as guests and watch our sporting events. I invited Thunder to visit and he looked forward to coming with his friends. 

On the first day of the opening ceremony, I kept waiting at the gate for Thunder and his friends to arrive. It was about 11:00am when an unexpected pair of visitors appeared at the gate. It was Jason and Dr. Jun, deciding to visit after my  pimp sister Florence informed them of our open house event at school. 

Dr. Jun saw me immediately and waved. I started panicking and felt very disoriented at that moment. What am I supposed to do with this situation? What if Thunder arrived and here is this British hunk visiting me at school? How do I explain that? I've never been in this situation before and had no clue how to handle pressure like this. 

My friends saw Jason and they started giggling, thinking it was amusing how I had two very eligible guys vying for my attention. It was one of the best and worst days of my life. 

Dr. Jun approached our group with a big smile on his face, saying "hi" to all my friends. Jason had a boyish grin on his face, winked at me and calmly hugged me in front of everyone. I introduced both of them to my friends and told Dr. Jun what a "pleasant surprise" this was.  Dr. Jun was much older than everyone there because he was after all, already a dentist. He was hanging out with us teeny-boppers because he was young at heart and being a close friend of my sisters, he was like family. 

Jason was dressed in very trendy looking jeans, a dressy long sleeve shirt and a black, shiny vest over it. He had dark blonde hair with the tips highlighted, glowing skin, nice tan, amazing body which you can tell was bred from drinking all that fresh milk in Britain and had an overall "modelesque" look to him. He also had that knee-buckling British accent that drove the girls crazy.  He was a perfect package but  I really liked Thunder!  Decisions, decisions, decisions... what's a girl to do?

The girls and I started touring Jason and Dr. Jun around campus, showing them the gym where the Intramural events were taking place. We kept getting gooey stares from the other students, freshman babies, sophomore snotties and junior wannabes. Thank goodness we were the ruling senior class and everyone knew you don't mess with the seniors. 

Despite feeling conflicted about the whole situation, I basked in the glory of it all. I loved the jealous stares from the other girls, the attention I'm getting from these two guys and it's all happening in my senior year. Just in time to pick a date for the Senior Ball. It was nice to have options.

While floating on air, I was suddenly pulled by gravity when Maridel whispered that she saw Thunder and his friends arrive. I told Dr. Jun and Jason to excuse us for a bit while I huddled with the girls and asked them to do this huge favor of splitting up and making sure Jason and Thunder don't bump into each other. Maridel and the other girls offered to show Dr. Jun and Jason the events happening in the gym. I took Antoinette and Sheila to meet Thunder and his friends by the gate.

Thunder and his friends were dressed in their school uniform as they sneaked out of class to visit us. Thunder also looked very dashing. He had a young, boyish look to him with a very naughty but charming smile that will melt your heart. He was quite tall for an average Filipino boy and actually towered over Jason, despite the latter being a male model who does commercial and ramp modeling. 

Antoinette, Sheila and I also toured Thunder and his friends to the other part of campus, opposite where we knew Jason and Dr. Jun were taken. I noticed more stares and whispering from the other students as they saw me with this other good looking guy, God only knows what they were thinking at the time. It may seem funny and straight out of a comic book , but I was terrified knowing Jason and Thunder might bump into each other.  Not that I had anything to hide, but it felt weird and awkward if I were to introduce the two. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and I appreciated the effort of both parties to come visit me. As a silly teenage girl back then, keeping them apart was the best route to take at that moment.

After spending some time with Thunder and his friends, I excused myself and ran to find Maridel and the other girls who were with Dr. Jun and Jason. I spent some time with them and pretended to focus my attention on the events and good company. I knew Antoinette aka Cure Girl and Thunder got along well because of their taste in New Wave music. I felt secure knowing Cure Girl will distract Thunder for a bit with her stories and humour. 

After watching 2 events, I was thankful when Dr. Jun announced he had to leave due to some business appointments. He was taking Jason with him and I was secretly relieved this Twilight Zone experience was ending soon.  I thanked Jason and Dr. Jun for visiting before escorting them out the gate. Dr. Jun told me that we will see each other again soon as my sisters were planning a "fun night" of getting together at Silahis Hotel by Roxas Boulevard. I had no idea what he meant but nodded in agreement anyway.

When they left, I was finally able to get back to Thunder and his friends. We hung out the rest of the day and had a relaxing, good time with everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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