Him | 1

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              You lazily stuffed all of your belongings into your backpack as you prepared to leave for hell, yet again. Every day you're forced to travel back and forth from this place known as "high school". There's a big yellow vehicle that carries you to and from the cold, stuffy concrete building.  And on that big yellow vehicle, known as a "bus", there's one boy in particular that  absolutely loves to hate you. His name is Jung Hoseok. He sits across the aisle from you, in seat 18, with his friend Min Yoongi. Every morning, and every afternoon, like clockwork, you deal with deriding comments that have worn down your self esteem to the equivalent of a perfectly round pebble. You couldn't stand up for  yourself if you tried. Like a round pebble, you could throw yourself as hard as you possibly could at them, and nobody would be hurt. Almost like being hit with a feather pillow.

          You opened  the door of your small home, the cold morning air stinging the tip of your nose. Hoseok taunted you from his seat through the foggy window.  Your legs were freezing cold, due to the short skirts that were a part of your school's uniform. You got on the bus, taking your seat across from Hoseok and shoving your earbuds as far as you could get them inside of your ears.

      "Hey princess." an all too familiar voice chimed from across the aisle. "Princess" was one of his many nicknames that he used to get on your nerves. He knew you hated it, and that was exactly why he used it. Today was going to be especially taxing, seeing as he had a falling out with his girlfriend, Mina. That only meant that he had even more time to annoy you.  "Princess~" he cooed, pulling out one of your earbuds. "My schedule got switched." he whispered in your ear, far too close for comfort. You jumped back, startled by his sudden closeness. "I've got every class with you, cupcake." he chuckled, a devilish grin making its way onto his face.

    "Great. You'll be lucky if I don't get suspended for beating your face to a pulp by the end of the day." you retorted, pushing him away from your face.

    "Aw, you're no fun, babygirl." he teased, moving to sit next to you. "You know, I don't have any friends in your classes."

    "Uh-huh. Sure. Every girl in this dumbass school practically fangirls over you." you retorted, sliding closer to the window, in a weak attempt to get away from Hoseok.

   "But you don't?" Hoseok queried, hooking his arm around your shoulders.

   "Nah I've got a brain." you said, removing Hoseok's arm from your shoulders.

   "Aw, too bad. You're stuck with me now." he chuckled, placing his arm back on your shoulders. "I'll meet you in 1st period, princess." he cooed, sliding back to sit with Yoongi, interrupting his reading.


A/N: HeY is it not a total garbage fire? idk it's 2 AM right now. Also this is extremely unedited.

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