Detention | 2

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Before 1st period, 7:32 AM

   "Nari! Get your ass over here!" You yelled to your best friend, Nari, who was standing with her entire head shoved inside her locker. You strode towards your locker, which was conveniently next to hers. "Nari! get your head out of there! I have some hot tea!"  you demanded, poking Nari's shoulder to get her attention.

  "What's the tea, sis?" she asked, spinning around almost immediately.

  "Mr. Jung dickface is now in every single one of my classes." you said, pretending to cry and leaning on Nari's shoulder. You entered the combonation to your locker and stuffed your backpack inside, taking out all the necessary  materials for your first three classes.

  "Ooh shit. Good luck my dude. I hope he isn't an ass all day."  she replied, poking her head back inside her locker.

  "With my luck, he probably will be." you sighed. "I've gotta get to first period, though. I'll see you at lunch!" you exclaimed, checking your baby pink wristwatch.

   You made your way to first period slowly, cradling your binder and heavy textbooks in your arms. As you approached your first period classroom, you saw a small crowd gathering outside the door. The crowd consisted of mainly girls from your homeroom, and at the center of the crowd, was Mr. Jung Hoseok himself.

  "Hey princess!" he called mockingly as you drew closer. Almost the entire crowd turned towards you and made some sort of angry, contorted face. Almost somewhere between jealousy, sadness, disgust, and pure rage. He pushed his way out of the crowd, hooking his arm around your shoulder and escorting you inside, both of you enduring rather intense glares and glances. "Where do you sit, cupcake?" another grin crept onto his face, he was getting to you and he knew it. You reluctantly pointed to an empty desk at the back of the room. The desks in the chemistry classroom were more like tables, shared by two people, and you happened to be the only one with a lab partner. "Looks like you're stuck with me, princess." he chuckled.

   "You'll be lucky if you don't end up with a black eye today." you muttered under your breath as you sat down, the threat directed at Hoseok.

   "And you'll be lucky if you don't end up in detention with me, Song (Y/N)." Hoseok retorted, cursing slightly when you kicked his shin underneath the table. "Do it again, and I'll do it twice as hard." He whispered, his expression becoming hard and serious.

  "Bite me." you hissed.

  "Okay." Hoseok replied, lunging for your neck, nipping the skin there gently.

  "What the fuck?! Jung Hoseok?!" you said, jumping back, surprised. "Wha- what the hell dude?!" you stuttered slightly.

  "You asked for it." he replied nonchalantly, resting his head in his left hand. His expression became more joyful and relaxed.

  The electronic bell signaled the start of class, and your homeroom teacher, Mr. Lee strode in, setting his stack of freshly printed papers on the desk at the front of the classroom. 

"Take one and pass it. Complete the packet by the end of class. You may work with your partners." Mr. Lee said in a bored voice, taking a seat at his desk and grading yesterday's test.

"Yo fuck this." Hoseok hissed, pulling out his phone and browsing memes.

 "Yeah, this looks boring as fuck. Gimme that memey goodness." You whispered, a smirk present on your face. Hoseok held the phone under the table, showing you dumbass memes in the back of the classroom, causing you both to snicker to yourselves.

"Jung Hoseok, Song (Y/N), what's so funny back there?" Mr. Lee snapped.

"Memes." Hoseok replied in a cool sarcastic tone, while you were practically shitting your pants.

"Is detention funny enough for you two?" Mr. Lee grumbled, writing both of you up on his laptop and confiscating Hoseok's phone.

"Yeah, sure." Hoseok replied, continuing to browse his memes. "Wow, you're pretty unlucky, huh princess?" he teased, nudging you gently with his elbow.

"Yeah, you could say that I guess." you sighed, pulling out a pen and doodling on the work you had been handed.


A/N: I was going to add more to this chapter but it's 2:53 AM and I need to sleep. And by sleep I mean read and play superstar bts :""""")

this is extremely unedited sorry if it belongs in a dumpster

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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