New Way Home

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"Wait the love seat should go against the wall...yes like that."

I watch my mom from a distance as she gives directions to the movers. My mom loves being the boss of things, and now that we finally have our own place she's going to turn into a monster.

"No no no, not that way. Let me help out for minute so I don't have to repeat myself."

Right now I feel bad for the people trying to help us out. We moved out here with nothing and the church we started attending decided to help me and my mom out by providing beds and other furniture we needed. Now my mom is being a little bossy right now, but i think she is just excited about how everything is going.

" Mom I'm going to head upstairs to my room and start unpacking okay."

"Okay Allure, I'll let you know when dinner is ready."

"Alrighty mom."

I run up the stairs ready to start unpacking, excited to have my own room again. Opening the door to my room the first thing I see is a huge window in the middle of the room. My bed was placed on the far right side of the room as well as my dresser.

My room isn't that big but it's not small either. I had enough room to fit another bed or dresser in here if I wanted to. I walk to my window and look outside to see the view I had. I see some kids riding there bike without helmets on. I smile remembering how me and my brother use to ride our bikes outside after school.

I miss him.

Shaking my head I walk over to one of the boxes in my room and start unpacking. The church also supplied some clothes for us as well. It made me happy that people were willing to help out a family that they just meet. There's a lot of crazy people out in the world now. You never know who to trust anymore.

Just like my step-dad. My mom thought she could trust him, but I always knew something was wrong with him. He made it really evident that people shouldn't be trusted.


I look up and see my mom in my doorway looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"You're squeezing the shirt you just got to tight. Relax were safe now remember. There's nothing to worry about anymore."

I release the breath I didn't know I was holding in, and looked down at the shirt in my hands. I try to stretch it back out to get the wrinkles out of it. Frustrated I throw the shirt back into the box rolling my eyes.

My mom walks over to m, kneels down and grabs my hands in hers.

" Sweet heart trust me when I say you have nothing to worry about anymore. We have to let our past go and try to move forward the best way that we can. I'm going to look for some counseling for the both of us so we can get through this together okay."

"Mom I don't need counseling. I don't want to forget what happened because I don't want it to ever happen again."

" It's not about forgetting. What happened is somethings that you will never forget. It's about forgiving and moving on."

I snatch my hands out of my moms and grab the shirt out the box again to try to fold it. I was done with this conversation. There was no need to for mom to waste money on someone to just sit there and listen us. How was that going to help? I mean he's still out there probably doing the same thing and hurting some other family.

My mom shakes her head probably dissapo

" Well Allure I finished dinner already so when you're done folding these box of clothes come downstairs to eat."

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